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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Broadband High-Efficiency Gratings Operating at the 2nd Order Designed by Simplified Modal Method YinZhengkun;余俊杰;LuYunkai;周常河;尹正坤 期刊论文 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2020
Zn2+ responsive fluorescence enhancement for optical data storage 原续鹏;ZhaoMiao;郭新军;LiYao;GanZongsong;阮昊 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Tellurium as the saturable absorber for the passively Q-switched laser at 1.34 mu m YangQi;张晓燕;YangZixin;RenXianghe;NieHunkun;YanBingzheng;YangKejian;ZhangBaitao;HeJingliang;王俊 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Weld zone porosity elimination process in remote laser welding of AA5182-O aluminum alloy lap-joints 陶武;杨上陆 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 2020
Preconditioned generalized orthogonal matching pursuit TongZhishen;WangFeng;HuChenyu;WangJian;韩申生;童智申 期刊论文 EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING 2020
Exploring New Zintl Phases in the 9-4-9 Family via Al Substitution. Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Ae(9)Mn(4-x)Al(x)Sb(9) (Ae = Ca, Yb, Eu) LiuXiao-Cun;LiuKe-Feng;WangQi-Qi;WangYan-Min;潘明艳;XiaSheng-Qing 期刊论文 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2020
Denoising the space-borne high-spectral-resolution lidar signal with block-matching and 3D filtering ZhengZhuofan;陈卫标;ZhangYupeng;ChenSijie;LiuDong 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Intensification and location of relativistic laser pulses against pointing fluctuations with micro-tube plasma lenses ZhaoMing-Wei;LiuMingwei;SunHui;杨庆伟;王琦;XieYao;ShengWei;ZhouWeiping 期刊论文 PHYSICS LETTERS A 2020
Technique of detecting optical components based on coherent modulation imaging 葛银娟;潘兴臣;刘诚;朱健强;葛银娟 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2020
Boosting Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance for CO(2)Reduction via Hydroxylated Graphene Quantum Dots Sensitized MIL-101(Fe) LiuNing;TangMengqi;WuJinxing;TangLiang;HuangWenyuan;LiQiutao;雷建求;ZhangXiaodong;WangLiang 期刊论文 ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 2020
Dense tunable attosecond electron bunch from laser interaction with magnetized plasma 栾仕霞;吴栋;YuM.Y.;WengS.M.;王精伟;余伟 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2020
Enhanced laser wakefield acceleration using dual-color relativistic pulses HafzNasrA.M.;LiGuangyu;LiSong;AinQuratul;GaoKai;SaeedMuhammad;PappDaniel;朱健强;KamperidisChristos 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2020
Control of electron beam energy-spread by beam loading effects in a laser-plasma accelerator LiGuangyu;AinQuratul;LiSong;SaeedMuhammad;PappDaniel;KamperidisChristos;HafzNasrA.M. 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2020
Linewidth compression of tunable Tm-doped fiber laser and its hyperspectral absorption application 陶蒙蒙;TaoBo;YeJing-Feng;ShenYan-Long;HuangKe;叶锡生;ZhaoJun;陶蒙蒙 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2020
Roles of zirconia-doping in the sintering process of high quality Tb3Al5O12 magneto-optic ceramics 陈杰;唐燕如;ChenChong;HaoDeming;易学专;AoGang;TianYanna;周圣明 期刊论文 SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2020
Nonsequential double ionization of alkaline-earth metal atoms by intense mid-infrared femtosecond pulses KangHuiPeng;ChenShi;ChuWei;姚金平;ChenJing;LiuXiaoJun;程亚;徐至展 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Ultra-high capacity for three-dimensional optical data storage inside transparent fluorescent tape 原续鹏;ZhaoMiao;郭新军;LiYao;YuYang;GanZongsong;阮昊 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2020
脉冲CO_2激光高精度烧蚀熔石英玻璃 贺婷;曹珍;魏朝阳;邵建达 期刊论文 中国科学.物理学,力学,天文学 2020
Image Quality Analysis of X-ray Grating Interferometer Using Integrating-bucket Method WaliFaiz;王圣浩;LiJi;HuangJianheng;LeiYaohu;WuZhao;ZhuPeiping;LiuJinyuan 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF IMAGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
Implementation of three-qubit quantum computation with pendular states of polar molecules by optimal control ZhangZuo-Yuan;LiuJin-Ming;胡正峰;王育竹 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2020
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