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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Study of femtosecond laser pulse induced shockwave in aluminum-coated dielectric target 周楚亮;白亚锋;李中鹏;丁营营;孙海轶;田野 期刊论文 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS 2020
Antithermal Quenching of Luminescence in Zero-Dimensional Hybrid Metal Halide Solids ZhangBin-Bin;ChenJia-Kai;MaJu-Ping;JiaXiao-Fang;ZhaoQing;GuoShao-Qiang;ChenYa-Meng;LiuQi;KuroiwaYoshihiro;MoriyoshiChikako;ZhangJunying;SunHong-Tao 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2020
Perfluorinated gallium phthalocyanine axially grafted black phosphorus nanosheets for optical limiting LiuZhiwei;ZhangBin;董宁宁;王俊;Chen, Yu 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2020
Analysis of factors affecting delay accuracy of subfemtosecond liquid crystal variable retarders QiXuhao;范薇;黄大杰;夏刚;程贺;ShiZhidong 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Five-channel fiber-based laser Doppler vibrometer for underwater acoustic field measurement ShangJianhua;刘阳;SunJiatong;KimDaeWook;陈卫标;贺岩 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Sub-bandgap optical spectroscopy of epitaxial beta-Ga2O3 thin films HaoSijie;HetzlMartin;KunzelmannViktoriaF.;MatichSonja;赛青林;XiaChangtai;SharpIanD.;StutzmannMartin 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2020
Radial-shearing interferometric imaging with Theon-Kepler bifocal telescope LiYaocun;刘会亚;谢静;张军勇;李垚村 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Micromirror array allocation algorithm based on deconvolution LiuZhifan;杨朝兴;步扬;李思坤;ZhangJianhua;WangXiangzhao;SunGang 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Picometer-differential twice-exposed element for three-dimensional measurement with extremely long depth of field LiChao;周常河;LuYunkai;MiaoChaofeng;余俊杰;YinZhengkun;YeJin;李超 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Interface Study on the Effect of Carbon and Boron Carbide Diffusion Barriers in Sc/Si Multilayer System ZhuJingtao;张嘉怡;JiangHui;ZhuJie;ZhuShengming;LiMiao;JiBin;赵娇玲 期刊论文 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2020
Gold nanobipyramid-loaded black phosphorus nanosheets for plasmon-enhanced photodynamic and photothermal therapy of deep-seated orthotopic lung tumors 王晶;张韩;XiaoXiao;LiangDong;LiangXinyue;MiLan;WangJianfang;刘军 期刊论文 ACTA BIOMATERIALIA 2020
High Efficiency Up-Conversion Random Lasing from Formamidinium Lead Bromide/Amino-Mediated Silica Spheres Composites 杨洁;刘征征;PiMingyu;LinHao;ZengFanju;BianYao;ShiTongchao;杜鹃;冷雨欣;TangXiaosheng;YangJie 期刊论文 ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2020
Speckle-illuminated Fourier ptychography: analysis of diffuser roughness and reconstruction aperture on imaging performance LuanJiayun;何小亮;JiangZhilong;KongYan;WangShouyu;刘诚 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Control of the terahertz spectra generated from laser induced plasma 李晓璐;白亚;刘鹏;李晓璐 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2020
Wavelength shift with a diode-pumped continuous-wave Yb:CALGO laser DuXiao;郭洁;汪唯;SunDi;GaoYongxi;梁晓燕;杜潇 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2020
Numerical investigation on the heat deposition characteristics of femtosecond laser pulses undergoing multiple filaments ZengQingwei;刘磊;鞠晶晶;HuShuai;ZhangKejin 期刊论文 PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2020
Applying a mixed light field generated from a two-level atomic ensemble to two-photon interference 周蜀渝;ZhangShanchao;王莹;王育竹 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2020
Edge enhancement through scattering media enabled by optical wavefront shaping LiZihao;YuZhipeng;HuiHui;LiHuanhao;ZhongTianting;刘红林;LaiPuxiang 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2020
超快超强激光及其科学应用发展趋势研究 刘军;曾志男;梁晓燕;冷雨欣;李儒新 期刊论文 中国工程科学 2020
Extremely nonlinear Raman interaction of an ultrashort nitrogen ion laser with an impulsively excited molecular wave packet LiuZhaoxiang;姚金平;ZhangHaisu;XuBo;ChenJinming;ZhangFangbo;ZhangZhihao;WanYuexin;ChuWei;WangZhenhua;程亚;刘招祥 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2020
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