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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in the Cuboid KDP Crystal Growth under the Jet-Rotating Crystal Method 刘航;李明伟;尹华伟;陈端阳;齐红基 期刊论文 CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 2021
Broadband highly efficient nonlinear optical processes in on-chip integrated lithium niobate microdisk resonators of Q-factor above 10(8) GaoRenhong;ZhangHaisu;BoFang;魏芳;HaoZhenzhong;YaoNi;林锦添;GuanJianglin;DengLi;王敏;乔玲玲;程亚 期刊论文 NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2021
Theoretical study on near UV and visible optical absorption characteristics of Ti-doped α-Al2O3 single crystals 龚巧瑞;赵呈春;李善明;赵庚;徐民;杭寅 期刊论文 MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS 2021
Source mask optimization for extreme-ultraviolet lithography based on thick mask model and social learning particle swarm optimization algorithm ZhangZinan;李思坤;WangXiangzhao;ChengWei;QiYuejing 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
The nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles decorated glass obtained from sintering mesoporous powders ZhaoYuye;董宁宁;QiuPengpeng;JiangWan;王俊;WangLianjun;GuShijia;ZhouBeiying;LuoWei 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2021
Relativistic modified Bessel-Gaussian beam generated from plasma-based beam braiding LeiBifeng;SeiptDaniel;ShiMingyuan;LiuBin;王精伟;ZepfMatt;RykovanovSergeyG. 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2021
二维非线性光限幅材料研究进展 董宁宁;刘强虎;王俊 期刊论文 中国激光 2021
Optimized monolithic edge-cladding glass for N31-type Nd-doped high power laser glass 陈辉宇;王欣;陈尤阔;沈玉晶;程继萌;温磊;唐景平;陈伟;陈树彬;胡丽丽;ChenHuiyu 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2021
氟锆酸盐玻璃光纤预制棒表面处理 陈辉宇;王欣;薛天锋;孟涛;何红;廖梅松;胡丽丽;陈伟 期刊论文 中国激光 2021
Hybrid Solution for Joint Transfer Time Signal With Both RF Frequency and Optical Frequency 王家亮;方苏;孙延光;程楠;杨飞;应康;孙建锋;桂有珍;蔡海文 期刊论文 IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2021
Failure Mechanism of Al-Steel Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) Welds and a Metallic Bump Printed on Al Sheet-Assisted RSW (MBaRSW/Al) Welds During Lap-Shear Tests 张国涛;LiYongbing;LinZhongqin 期刊论文 METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 2021
1.57mum半导体激光器长期频率稳定性研究 杜娟;孙延光 期刊论文 光学技术 2021
Mechanism of annealing effect on damage threshold enhancement of HfO2 films in vacuum LiuJi;LingXiulan;刘晓凤 期刊论文 VACUUM 2021
Synthesis and luminescence properties of color-tunable Ce, Mn co-doped LuAG transparent ceramics by sintering under atmospheric pressure ZhaoChenyao;DuanYutong;林辉;ZhangDawei;HongRuijin;TaoChunxian;HanZhaoxia;周圣明 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2021
A High-Energy, Narrow-Pulse-Width, Long-Wave Infrared Laser Based on ZGP Crystal 钱传鹏;余婷;刘晶;JiangYuyao;WangSijie;施翔春;叶锡生;陈卫标 期刊论文 CRYSTALS 2021
5.4 W, 9.4 ns Pulse Width, Long-Wave Infrared ZGP OPO Pumped by Ho:YAG MOPA System 钱传鹏;余婷;刘晶;蒋裕垚;王思捷;施翔春;叶锡生;陈卫标 期刊论文 IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2021
An Auto-Focus Method of Microscope for the Surface Structure of Transparent Materials under Transmission Illumination 廖洋;XiongYonghua;YangYunhong 期刊论文 SENSORS 2021
Scientific and Technological Analysis of Jades Unearthed From Cemeteries Dated to Eastern Zhou Dynasty From Tomb No. 1 in Hougudui, Gushi, Henan Province 袁仪梦;HuYong-qing;刘松;李青会 期刊论文 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2021
Fiber-optic time-frequency transfer in gigabit ethernet networks over urban fiber links 鲁湛;桂有珍;王家亮;应康;孙延光;刘磊;程楠;蔡海文 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
Multi-gigahertz laser generation based on monolithic ridge waveguide and embedded copper nanoparticles PangChi;LiRang;LiZiqi;董宁宁;王俊;RenFeng;ChenFeng 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2021
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