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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Characterization of Energetic Protons Generated in the ShenGuang-II UP Petawatt Laser Interactions with Foil Targets 刘会亚;AnleLei;康宁;HonghaiAn;ZhiyongXie;赵耀;周申蕾;孙明营;朱宝强;汪唯;朱健强;HuiyaLiu 期刊论文 Laser and Particel Beams 2021
基于平面平晶的单次自相关仪标定技术研究 李徐桐;欧阳小平;张雪洁;李展;潘良泽;徐英明;杨琳;朱宝强;朱俭;朱健强 期刊论文 中国激光 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 2021
Widely-tunable single-frequency diamond Raman laser YangXuezong;BaiZhenxu;陈迪俊;陈卫标;冯衍;MildrenRichardP. 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
Laser-induced damage of 1064 nm multilayer antireflection coatings after exposure to gamma rays WangZhihao;王胭脂;贺洪波;ShenZicai;SytchkovaAnna;ChenRuiyi;ZhangYuhui;李大伟;HuGuohang;郑毅帆;邵宇川;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2021
Universal nanosecond range pulse contrast measurement for a kJ-class petawatt laser DingFucai;欧阳小平;张雪洁;姜有恩;HouKe;姜秀青;陶华;朱宝强;LiuDe'an;ZhuJian;朱健强 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2021
热透镜效应对Er~(3+),Yb~(3+):glass激光器输出能量的影响 宋庆坤;李海兵;董永军;何冬兵;李顺光;冯素雅;王旭成;孔政伟;陈亮;阳求柏 期刊论文 中国激光 2021
High NA objective lens wavefront aberration measurement using a cat-eye retroreflector and Zernike polynomial LiPeng;唐锋;WangXiangzhao;LiJie 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
海洋三维遥感与海洋剖面激光雷达 唐军武;陈戈;陈卫标;赵朝方;贺岩;吴松华;刘秉义;毛志华;何惠馨;杨杰;陈树果;胡连波;何兴道;史久林;郑永超;刘建强;林明森;吴立新;郭华东;蒋兴伟;潘德炉;顾逸东 期刊论文 遥感学报 2021
Highly fluorine and ytterbium doped polarization maintaining large mode area photonic crystal fiber via the sol-gel process 王璠;王孟;邵冲云;任进军;张磊;王世凯;陈丹平;于春雷;冯素雅;胡丽丽 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
A Narrow-Linewidth Linearly Polarized 1018-nm Fiber Source for Pumping Diamond Raman Laser YangXuezong;BaiZhenxu;姜华卫;MildrenRichardP.;冯衍 期刊论文 FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 2021
可用于现场快速检测的小型化多通道光谱测量系统 简丹;刘诚 期刊论文 应用光学 2021
Controlling the collective radiative decay of molecular ions in strong laser fields XieHongqiang;LeiHongbin;李贵花;姚金平;张乾;WangXiaowei;ZhaoJing;ChenZhiming;程亚;ZhaoZengxiu 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2021
Liquid crystal polymer phase retarder aligned with the inorganic layer by glancing angle deposition 王建国;ZhangLichao 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 2021
Characterization of isotropic laser cooling for application in quantum sensing WangXin;王欣;孙远;刘亮 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2021
Hierarchical Structured Multidimensional Nano Carbon Bowl @MoS2/Graphene Electrodes with Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitance Performances WangLijian;刘丰华;PalAvishek;NingYuesheng;WangZan;ZhaoBinyuan;BradleyRobert;吴卫平 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2021
Boosting High-Rate Sodium Storage of CuS via a Hollow Spherical Nanostructure and Surface Pseudocapacitive Behavior HuYue;ZhangLifeng;BaiJiaxi;刘丰华;WangZan;吴卫平;BradleyRobert;LiLi;RuanHuan;GuoShouwu 期刊论文 ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS 2021
Traceable Reference Full Metrology Chain for Innovative Aspheric and Freeform Optical Surfaces Accurate at the Nanometer Level ArezkiYassir;苏榕;HeikkinenVille;LepreteFrancois;PostaPavel;BitouYouichi;SchoberChristian;Mehdi-SouzaniCharyar;AlzahraniBandarAbdulrahmanMohammed;ZhangXiangchao;KondoYohan;PrussChristof;LedlVit;AnwerNabil;BouaziziMohamedLamjed;LeachRichard;NouiraHichem;ArezkiY 期刊论文 SENSORS 2021
Evaluating the cytotoxicity of Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass optical fibres on 3T3 mouse fibroblasts MabwaDavid;KubienaTeo;ParnellHarriet;苏榕;FurnissDavid;TangZhuoqi;LeachRichard;BensonTrevorM.;ScotchfordColinA.;SeddonAngelaB.;MabwaD 期刊论文 RSC ADVANCES 2021
Superconductivity and electron-phonon interaction in Sr x Bi2Se3 under pressure LiMingtao;方依霏;Kenney-BensonCurtis;(Wang, Lin 期刊论文 NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2021
Influence of annealing temperature on the performance of TiO2/SiO2 nanolaminated films 崔云;赵元安;张革;朱美萍;宋晨;TaoChunxian;ShuTan;邵建达 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2021
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