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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
High-energy square pulses and burst-mode pulses in an all-normal dispersion double-clad mode-locked fiber laser QiaoZhi;汪小超;WangChao;JingYuanyuan;范薇;林尊琪 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 2016
Functionalization of reduced graphene oxide with axially-coordinated metal-porphyrins: facile syntheses and temporally-dependent nonlinear optical properties WangAijian;SongJingbao;JiaDing;王瑜;LongLingliang;SongYinglin;CifuentesMarieP.;HumphreyMarkG.;张龙;邵建达;ZhangChi 期刊论文 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS 2016
Origin of the plasma scalds in dielectric coatings induced by 1 omega laser 王虎;齐红基;赵娇玲;汪斌;柴英杰;YuZhen;邵建达;WangHu 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2016
Stably dispersed carbon nanotubes covalently bonded to phthalocyanine cobalt(II) for ppb-level H2S sensing at room temperature 吴昊;ChenZhimin;ZhangJialin;WuFeng;HeChunying;汪斌;吴谊群;RenZhiyu;WuHao 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 2016
Yb-Erco-doped phosphate fiber with hexagonal inner cladding 温磊;王龙飞;何冬兵;陈丹平;胡丽丽;WenLei 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 2016
Optical field distribution on a hohlraum wall during indirect laser-driven inertial confinement fusion 任磊;YouKewei;焦兆阳;朱健强;RenLei 期刊论文 OPTIK 2016
Raman Suppression in a Kilowatt Narrow-Band Fiber Amplifier HuMan;杨依枫;ZhengYe;LiuGuang-Bo;WangJian-Hua;刘恺;陈晓龙;赵纯;何兵;周军 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2016
Slow and fast absorption saturation of black phosphorus: experiment and modelling 张赛锋;LiYuanxin;张晓燕;董宁宁;王康鹏;HanlonDamien;ColemanJonathanN.;张龙;王俊;ZhangSaifeng 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2016
Precipitation and Growth Mechanism of Diverse Sr-5(PO4)(3)F Particles 柴宝燕;HaoLuyuan;毛小建;XuXin;LiXiaokai;姜本学;张龙;ChaiBaoyan 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2016
Fifteen years of coldmatter on the atom chip: promise, realizations, and prospects KeilMark;AmitOmer;周蜀渝;GroswasserDavid;JaphaYonathan;FolmanRon 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 2016
Er3+-doped oxyfluorogallate glass for 2.7 mu m solid-state lasers PengYa-Pei;WangChuanfeng;袁新强;张龙 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2016
Towards manipulating relativistic laser pulses with micro-tube plasma lenses JiL.L.;SnyderJ.;PukhovA.;FreemanR.R.;AkliK.U.;JiL.L 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Array illumination of a Fresnel-Dammann zone plate MaYayao;YeChaochao;KeJie;张军勇;朱健强;LingZunqing 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
Simultaneous upconversion luminescence and color centers generated by femtosecond laser irradiation of LiF crystals 张杨;赵全忠;PanHuaihai;WangChengwei;钱静;WangZhanshan;ZhangYang 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Development of effective empirical potentials for molecular dynamics simulations of the structures and properties of boroaluminosilicate glasses 邓路;DuJincheng;DengLu 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 2016
Recrystallization of Er3+:CaF2 in Transparent Fluorophosphate Glass-Ceramics with the Co-Firing Method 范金太;陈思圆;袁新强;姜益光;PanLiangjie;姜本学;毛小建;李日红;姜雄伟;张龙;FanJintai 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2016
High-efficiency similar to 2 mu m laser in a single-mode Tm-doped lead germanate composite fiber KuanPeiwen;FanXiaokang;李文涛;LiuXueqiang;于春雷;张磊;胡丽丽 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Spectroscopic properties and energy transfer mechanism in Dy3+/Tm3+ codoped fluoroaluminate glasses modified by TeO2 HuangFeifei;TianYing;陈丹平;XuShiqing;ZhangJunjie 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2016
Focal spot effects on the generation of proton beams during target normal sheath acceleration 王文鹏;沈百飞;张辉;陆效明;WangC.;刘彦祺;YuL.H.;ChuY.X.;李妍妍;徐同军;ZhaiS.H.;冷雨欣;梁晓燕;李儒新;徐至展 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2016
PEI-folic acid modified carbon nanodots for cancer cell-targeted delivery and two-photon excitation imaging 王晶;刘军;WangJing 期刊论文 RSC ADVANCES 2016
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