标题 | 作者 | 论文类型 | 期刊/会议名称 | 年 |
Identifying the source of super-high energetic electrons in the presence of pre-plasma in laser-matter interaction at relativistic intensities | WuD.;KrasheninnikovS.I.;LuanS.X.;YuW. | 期刊论文 | NUCLEAR FUSION | 2017 |
Digital synthesis of optical interleaver based on a solid multi-mirror Fabry-Perot interferometer | ZhangJuan;HuaDong;DingYipeng;王阳 | 期刊论文 | APPLIED OPTICS | 2017 |
302 W triple-frequency, single-mode, linearly polarized Yb-doped all-fiber amplifier | ZhaoXiang;杨依枫;沈辉;陈晓龙;BaiGang;ZhangJingpu;漆云凤;何兵;周军 | 期刊论文 | HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | 2017 |
Raman dissipative soliton fiber laser pumped by an ASE source | PanWeiwei;张磊;周佳琦;YangXuezong;冯衍 | 期刊论文 | OPTICS LETTERS | 2017 |
Deep-learning-based ghost imaging | LyuMeng;汪唯;王浩;WangHaichao;LiGuowei;陈妮;司徒国海 | 期刊论文 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2017 |
Analysis of the thermal effects in diode-pumped Tm:YAG ceramic slab lasers | ChengXiaojin;ShangJianhua;姜本学 | 期刊论文 | LASER PHYSICS | 2017 |
Real-time intravascular photoacoustic-ultrasound imaging of lipid-laden plaque in human coronary artery at 16 frames per second | HuiJie;CaoYingchun;ZhangYi;KoleAyeeshik;WangPu;YuGuangli;EakinsGregory;SturekMichael;陈卫标;ChengJi-Xin | 期刊论文 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2017 |
Influence of moisture absorption on the synthesis and properties of Y2O3-MgO nanocomposites | XieJunxi;毛小建;LiXiaokai;姜本学;张龙 | 期刊论文 | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL | 2017 |
SGII-5PW激光系统大能量光参量放大器光束近场分布均匀性 | 周剑;孙美智;梁潇;康俊;郭爱林;杨庆伟;谢兴龙;朱健强;林尊琪 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
10.6GHz线宽保持随机光纤激光种子源 | 陈晓龙;郑也;李璇;皮浩洋;赵纯;刘恺;全昭;沈辉;杨依枫;何兵;周军 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
高效率外腔倍频产生大功率507.4nm连续激光 | 赵儒臣;付小虎;孙剑芳;徐震;王育竹 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
10Hz,1.2J脉冲波形近方波的纳秒Nd:YAG激光器 | 汪超;韦辉;周丽;郭江涛;王江峰;姜有恩;范薇;李学春 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
光学薄片点胶的数值分析及优化 | 吴伦哲;高文兰;顿爱欢;杨明红;魏朝阳;徐学科;劭建达 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
Soliton dynamics for trapped Bose-Einstein condensate with higher-order interaction | 王莹;周蜀渝;WangYing | 期刊论文 | AIP ADVANCES | 2017 |
307 W high-power 1018 nm monolithic tandem pump fiber source with effective thermal management | 陈晓龙;WangJianhua;ZhaoXiang;BaiGang;GongWeichao;刘恺;赵纯;李璇;皮浩洋;LiJinyan;杨依枫;何兵;周军;ChenXiaolong | 期刊论文 | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 2017 |
Visible perfect reflectors realized with all-dielectric metasurface | ZhangQing;刘呈普;GanGongwen;CuiXudong | 期刊论文 | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 2017 |
Attitude-error compensation for airborne down-looking synthetic-aperture imaging lidar | LiGuang-yuan;孙建锋;周煜;卢智勇;ZhangGuo;CaiGuang-yu;LiuLi-ren | 期刊论文 | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 2017 |
Observation of polariton resonances with five-level M-type atoms in an optical cavity | LiuYutong;LinGongwei;应康;LiangLin;NiuYueping;GongShangqing | 期刊论文 | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 2017 |
Solitons in One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate with Higher-Order Interactions | 王莹;汪唯;周蜀渝;WangYing | 期刊论文 | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 2017 |
Review of recent progress on single-frequency fiber lasers [Invited] | FuShijie;时伟;冯衍;张磊;YangZhongmin;XuShanhui;ZhuXiushan;NorwoodR.A.;PeyghambarianN. | 期刊论文 | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS | 2017 |