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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Characterization of ultrashort pulses by time-frequency conversion and temporal magnification based on four-wave mixing at 1 mu m QiaoZhi;潘雪;汪小超;HuangTingrui;张鹏;范薇;李学春;林尊琪 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Selective doping of Ni2+ in highly transparent glass-ceramics containing nano-spinels ZnGa2O4 and Zn1+xGa2-2xGexO4 for broadband near-infrared fiber amplifiers GaoZhigang;刘垠垚;任静;FangZaijin;LuXiaosong;LewisElfed;FarrellGerald;YangJun;WangPengfei 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Evaluation of femtosecond laser damage to gold pulse compression gratings fabricated by magnetron sputtering and e-beam evaporation WangLeilei;孔钒宇;XiaZhilin;晋云霞;HuangHaopeng;LiLinxin;陈军明;崔云;邵建达 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Cyphertext-only attack on the double random-phase encryption: experimental demonstration LiGuowei;杨婉琴;厉大晏;司徒国海 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Charge state and energy transfer investigation of iron-chromium co-doped ZnS polycrystalline prepared by step-temperature diffusion for mid-infrared laser applications WangXiangYong;陈喆;ZhangLianhan;徐民;陈光珠;姜本学;KeChangjun;张龙;杭寅 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2017
Wavelength calibration of narrowband ArF laser with iron hollow cathode lamp 袁志军;张海波;叶韧;周军;WeiYunrong;LouQihong;YuanZhijun 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Nonlinear dynamics investigation in few-cycle laser seeding of quantum cascade lasers: role of permanent dipole moment WuErheng;CaoQing;YouJun;刘呈普 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017
2 mu m emission of PbF2 single crystal co-doped with Ho3+/Yb3+ ions ZhangPeixiong;ChenZhenqiang;杭寅;LiZhen;YinHao;ZhuSiqi;FuShenhe 期刊论文 INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 2017
Optical characterization of Tm3+ in LaF3 single crystal HongJiaqi;ZhangLianhan;徐民;杭寅 期刊论文 INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 2017
Mode suppression in a slanted grating LiShubin;LuYancong 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Mitigation of beam sampling grating damage induced by upstream flaws in the final optics assembly 焦兆阳;孙明营;赵东峰;朱健强;JiaoZhaoyang 期刊论文 OPTICAL ENGINEERING 2017
Enhanced emission of the 1.50-1.67 mm fluorescence in Er3+, Ce3+-codoped Lu3Al5O12 crystal ZhangPeixiong;ChenZhenqiang;杭寅;LiZhen;YinHao;ZhuSiqi;FuShenhe;LiAnming 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2017
On-chip electro-optic tuning of a lithium niobate microresonator with integrated in-plane microelectrodes 王敏;XuYingxin;FangZhiwei;廖洋;王鹏;ChuWei;乔玲玲;林锦添;feng wei;程亚;WangMin 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Programmable uniformity correction by using plug-in finger arrays in advanced lithography system 程伟林;张运波;朱菁;杨宝喜;ZengAijun;黄惠杰;ChengWeilin 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Superexchange-mediated magnetization dynamics with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice ZhuShaobing;钱军;王育竹 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS B 2017
Polarization multiplexed dual-loop optoelectronic oscillator based on stimulated Brillouin scattering HanXiuyou;MaLiang;ShaoYuchen;叶青;GuYiying;ZhaoMingshan 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Simplified modal method for slanted grating LiShubin;周常河;贾伟 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Investigating molecular crowding within nuclear pores using polarization-PALM 付国;TuLi-Chun;ZilmanAnton;MusserSiegfriedM. 期刊论文 ELIFE 2017
Highly compact CsPbBr3 perovskite thin films decorated by ZnO nanoparticles for enhanced random lasing LiCunlong;ZangZhigang;HanCeng;HuZhiping;TangXiaosheng;杜鹃;冷雨欣;SunKuan 期刊论文 NANO ENERGY 2017
Remote laser welding of zinc coated steels in a zero-gap lap joint configuration 杨上陆;陶武;YangShanglu 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS 2017
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