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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Dissociative photoionization of 1,2-dichloroethane in intense near-infrared femtosecond laser field 张健;杨燕;LiZhipeng;ZhangShian;SunZhenrong;ZhangJian 期刊论文 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Analysis of the noise in backprojection light field acquisition and its optimization 陈妮;RenZhenbo;厉大晏;LamEdmundY.;司徒国海;ChenNi 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Dynamics of laser-driven proton acceleration exhibited by measured laser absorptivity and reflectivity BinJ.H.;AllingerK.;KhrennikovK.;KarschS.;BoltonP.R.;SchreiberJ. 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
The impact of femtosecond pre-pulses on nanometer thin foils for laser-ion acceleration ZhouM.L.;BinJ.H.;HaffaD.;YanX.Q.;SchreiberJ. 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2017
适于空间应用的高重复频率窄脉冲电光调Q激光器 刘琪;孟俊清;祖继锋;蒋静;陈思露;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
Towards swift ion bunch acceleration by high-power laser pulses at the Centre for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) LindnerF.H.;HaffaD.;BinJ.H.;EnglbrechtF.;GaoY.;GebhardJ.;HartmannJ.;HilzP.;KreuzerC.;LehrackS.;OstermayrT.M.;RoeschT.F.;SpeicherM.;WuerlM.;ParodiK.;SchreiberJ.;ThirolfP.G. 期刊论文 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 2017
相位敏感光时域反射仪研究和应用进展 叶青;潘政清;王照勇;卢斌;魏芳;瞿荣辉;蔡海文;赵浩;方祖捷 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
飞秒激光诱导电晕放电的优化设计方案 杜盛喆;朱忠彬;刘尧香;王铁军;李儒新 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
基于波前传感器的宽带光谱激光系统空间啁啾 陈杰;朱海东;康俊;杨庆伟;郭爱林;孙美智;谢兴龙;朱健强 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
二维非线性光学材料与器件研究进展 王俊;张晓艳;张赛锋;赵培均;张龙 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
脉冲光抽运原子钟原子相位反馈研究 董功勋;林锦达;张松;邓见辽;王育竹 期刊论文 光学学报 2017
Performance analysis of ghost imaging lidar in background light environment 邓陈进;PanLong;王成龙;高昕;龚文林;韩申生;DengChenjin 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2017
Optimal defocus selection based on normed Fourier transform for digital fringe pattern profilometry KamagaraAbel;WangXiangzhao;李思坤 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Quantum temporal imaging: application of a time lens to quantum optics PateraG.;ShiJ.;HoroshkoD.B.;KolobovM.I. 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF OPTICS 2017
Two-Dimensional SnS: A Phosphorene Analogue with Strong In-Plane Electronic Anisotropy TianZhen;GuoChenglei;ZhaoMingxing;LiRanran;XueJiamin 期刊论文 ACS NANO 2017
Characterization method of unusual second-order-harmonic generation based on vortex transformation ZhangChaojin;WuErheng;GuMingliang;胡正峰;刘呈普 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2017
Development of a 2 mu m Tm-doped fiber laser for hyperspectral absorption spectroscopy applications 陶蒙蒙;TaoBo;HuZhiyun;FengGuobin;叶锡生;ZhaoJun;TaoMengmeng 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Attosecond chirp effect on the transient absorption spectrum of laser-dressed helium atom ZhaoHaiwen;刘灿东;郑颖辉;ZengZhinan;李儒新 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Corona discharge induced snow formation in a cloud chamber 鞠晶晶;王铁军;李儒新;DuShengzhe;孙海轶;刘永宏;田野;白亚锋;刘尧香;陈娜;王精伟;wang cheng;刘建胜;ChinS.L.;徐至展;JuJingjing 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Impact of tellurium on glass transition and crystallization in the Ge-Se-Te-Bi system YinHaiwei;李磊;刘垠垚;胡丽丽;ZengHuidan;ChenGuorong 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2017
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