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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Assessment of interatomic parameters for the reproduction of borosilicate glass structures via DFT-GIPAW calculations FortinoMariagrazia;BerselliAlessandro;Stone-WeissNicholas;邓路;GoelAshutosh;DuJincheng;PedoneAlfonso 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2019
Reaction Mechanisms and Interfacial Behaviors of Sodium Silicate Glass in an Aqueous Environment from Reactive Force Field-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulations 邓路;MiyataniKatsuaki;AmmaShin-ichi;SueharaMichinori;OnoMadoka;YamamotoYuichi;UrataShingo;DuJincheng;DengLu 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2019
Practical multi-class event classification approach for distributed vibration sensing using deep dual path network 王照勇;ZhengHanrong;LiLuchuan;LiangJiajing;WangXiao;卢斌;叶青;QuRonghui;蔡海文;WangZhaoyong 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
惯性约束聚变激光驱动装置用大尺寸偏振薄膜研究综述 邵建达;朱美萍;李静平;孙建;赵元安;易葵 期刊论文 光学学报 2019
Simulation and verification of pulsed laser beam propagation underwater using Markov chains 周田华;马剑;陆婷婷;胡谷雨;范婷威;竹孝鹏;朱小磊;陈卫标;ZhouTianhua 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2019
Temperature dependence of spectral and laser properties of Er3+/Al3+ co-doped aluminosilicate fiber HeQiang;王帆;LinZhiquan;邵冲云;王孟;王世凯;于春雷;胡丽丽 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2019
Nonlinear evolution of stimulated scattering near 1/4 critical density CharlesWuF.;赵耀;WengSu-Ming;ChenMin;ShengZheng-Ming 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2019
Measurement of base angle of an axicon lens based on auto-collimation optical path 魏张帆;袁乔;马兴华;胡敬佩;ZengAijun;黄惠杰;WeiZhangfan 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Jones pupil metrology of lithographic projection lens and its optimal configuration in the presence of error sources MengZejiang;李思坤;WangXiangzhao;步扬;WangJian;NiSheng;杨朝兴;MaoYanjie 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
AlPcS-loaded gold nanobipyramids with high two-photon efficiency for photodynamic therapy in vivo 王晶;ZhuoXiaolu;XiaoXiao;MaoRihua;WangYong;WangJianfang;刘军;WangJing 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2019
Rectangular Pulse Generation From a Mode Locked Raman Fiber Laser PanWeiwei;周佳琦;张磊;冯衍 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 2019
Influence of nodular defect size on metal dielectric mixed gratings for ultra-short ultra-high intensity laser system 邹溪;孔钒宇;晋云霞;ChenPeng;陈军明;XuJiao;王勇禄;张益彬;邵建达;ZouXi 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2019
Cellular deoxyribonucleic-acid probes of two-photon-excited fluorescent quinolinium-substituted carbazole FengYanru;ChiShuheng;ZhaoYanli;ZhangYunjie;吴谊群 期刊论文 ANALYST 2019
Generation of ultrashort coherent radiation based on a laser plasma accelerator LiuTao;FengChao;XiangDao;刘建胜;WangDong 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 2019
共振增强单色高次谐波产生 汪丽;薛金星;曾志男;李儒新;徐志展 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
1550 nm波段窄线宽高调谐带宽激光光源 古建标;朱福南;刘磊;赵思伟;魏芳;李璇;朱韧;侯霞;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
环形子孔径扫描锥形镜面形检测方法研究 严焱;唐锋;王向朝;卢云君;郭福东 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
光刻机扫描狭缝刀口半影宽度测量技术 刘志帆;陈明;步扬;徐静浩;范李立;张建华;王向朝 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
光纤四通道双平衡外差相位检测实验研究 施剑波;张娟;刘德安 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
Effect of laser intensity on microwave radiation generated in nanosecond laser-plasma interactions JiangWei-Man;LiYu-Tong;张喆;ZhuBao-Jun;ZhangYi-Hang;YuanDa-Wei;WeiHui-Gang;LiangGui-Yun;HanBo;刘昶;YuanXiao-Xia;华能;朱宝强;朱健强;FangZhi-Heng;WangChen;HuangXiu-Guang;张捷 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2019
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