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来源: 发布时间:2012-05-07【字体:

题目:Direct Synthesis of Layered Intercalation Compounds via One-pot in situ Reaction

姓名:Luyi Sun

单位:Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas State University, TX, USA




Inorganic-organic hybrids, particularly the ones with an intercalated structure, have attracted substantial attention, because they can potentially bring unique properties combining distinct features of organic and inorganic components within a single molecular composite. A number of approaches to achieve intercalation have been developed based on different reaction/interaction mechanisms, and intercalation reactions have been carried out at various interfaces. After all, the intercalation methodologies developed so far are all based on a two-step process: formation of layered materials first and subsequent intercalation by guest species, which requires extra time and efforts, and some desirable guest molecules may not be able to be intercalated into the host because of size mismatch, lack of driving force, etc. Overall, such a two-step process appears to be very primitive compared to the simultaneous growing of biological layered compounds in the nature. In this presentation, a new approach to directly prepare intercalation compounds via one-pot in situ synthesis is introduced. The synthesized intercalation compounds with various combinations of host and guest were characterized. Its reaction mechanism was investigated, which is expected to guide the future synthesis of more sophisticated biological hybrid materials. Potential applications of selected examples are explored. The implication of the present findings is discussed.


孙陆逸博士目前在德州州立大学化学与生物化学系及材料科学与工程专业任助理教授。他于2004年在阿拉巴马大学获得化学博士学位, 师从Joseph J. Thrasher 教授。之后,在Abraham Clearfield 和Hung-Jue Sue 教授的指导下, 孙博士在德州农工大学从事了两年的博士后研究。从2006至2009年, 孙博士在道达尔石化集团研究中心任高级工程师,从事新产品开发以及聚烯烃方面的基础研究。他目前的研究主要集中在设计并合成具有纳米结构的多功能材料。他已发表50多篇论文,两篇书稿章节,作过50多个报告(包括15个邀请报告),并且是25项专利的发明者。

孙博士目前是Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 和Dataset Papers in Materials Science 的编辑委员会成员,美国国家科学基金,能源部,环境保护署,美国化学会石油研究基金,科学促进研究社基金的评审人,30多个国际著名学报的审稿人,学术初版社Wiley的书刊审稿人。过去几年获得多次奖项,包括美国科学促进研究社的科特尔科学奖(Cottrell College Science Award),美国环境保护署可持续发展研究奖,德州州立大学校长优秀科研奖。



