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来源: 发布时间:2012-04-05【字体:

题目:Photonic crystal fibers: the manipulation of light for novel applications

姓名:Dr. Xin Jiang

单位:Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany




Recently, photonic crystal fibers (PCF), or microstructured fibers, or holey fibers, as one of the most promising specialty fibers, attract researchers’ interests due to their novel and wide-ranging academic and industrial applications. Ever since the first sparkling idea from Prof. Philip Russell in 1991, till the first demonstration of a solid-core PCF (SC-PCF) reported in 1996, and thereafter, the first hollow-core PCF (HC-PCF) in 1999, it took almost nine years to turn such a creative and courageous imagination into reality.

Different from traditional step-index fibers, PCF can guide light in air hole instead of glass material, and only require one material to construct complex 2-dimentional periodic array of air-hole structure [Figure 1]. Such a fiber structure enables many novel properties. In SC-PCFs, for example, the modification of fiber dispersion and effective index creates practical applications such as supercontinuum light generation (white light laser), endless single-mode in all wavelengths and evanescent-wave fiber sensing. HC-PCFs, which are completely different from SC-PCFs, offer promising application on ultrahigh power laser pulse delivery because more than 90% of light propagates in air therefore there is no concern of damage on glass material. Furthermore, high harmonic generation or deep-UV generation in gas-filled HC PCF, particle guidance, optical mode manipulation are other opportunities for industrial applications.

As the inventor of photonic crystal fibers, Prof. Philip Russell at the Max-Planck-Institute has been leading the research on PCFs for more than 20 years. There is very limited number of groups over the world which has comparable achievements as we have. In addition, our group has close and intensive collaboration with other universities and industrial companies. As a research scientist from Prof. Philip Russell’s group, my major responsibility is focused on modeling and simulation of novel fiber structures, fiber fabrication, characterization and applications. Based on this, my talk will give you an introduction of the latest research at my institute. The talk consists of five sections: Firstly, a brief introduction will be given on the history, classification and fabrication techniques; in the second and third parts, I will discuss the

guidance mechanism and applications of SC and HC-PCFs, respectively; in the fourth section, especially, I will present the latest results on PCFs fabricated from soft glasses/compound glasses, instead of silica, and discuss their special properties exempted from silica PCFs; Finally, I will give an outlook of future work and discuss possible collaborations.



