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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Surface modification of SiOx film anodes by laser annealing and improvement of cyclability for lithium-ion batteries LiZhichao;JinJing;袁志军;YangWeiguang 期刊论文 MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING 2021
Tailoring the free carrier and optoelectric properties of indium tin oxide film via quasi-continuous-wave laser annealing 彭丽萍;赵元安;刘晓凤;CaoZhaoliang;李大伟;连亚飞;崔云;MaHao;HongRuijin;TaoChunxian;ZhangDawei;邵建达;彭丽萍 期刊论文 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2021
Research to improve the optical performance and laser-induced damage threshold of hafnium oxide/silica dichroic coatings ZhaoZecheng;孙建;朱美萍;ZengTingting;YinChaoyi;易葵;赵元安;崔云;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2021
Ultrafast electron transfer dynamics in Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite for tailoring of optical nonlinearity PangChi;LiRang;HuangJiawei;LiZiqi;陈明;董宁宁;王俊;RenFeng;ChenFeng 期刊论文 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2021
Fabrication of ternary ZrO2-Al2O3-YAG:Ce ceramic phosphors for white light-emitting diodes 陈杰;WengZixin;唐燕如;易学专;TianYanna;ZhaoDi;林辉;周圣明 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2021
Broadband antireflection film by glancing angle deposition FengCao;张伟丽;王建国;MaHaixia;刘世杰;易葵;贺洪波;邵建达;冯操 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2021
Polarization-dependent fast-electron emission in high-temporal-contrast femtosecond laser plasmas 柯林佟;栾仕霞;夏长权;YuM.Y.;冯珂;王精伟;许毅;冷雨欣;王文涛;李儒新;徐至展 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2021
New phase-matching selection rule to generate angularly isolated harmonics 张晓梅;沈百飞;张林港;时银 期刊论文 HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2021
High-quality-factor optical microresonators fabricated on lithium niobate thin film with an electro-optical tuning range spanning over one free spectral range wang zhe;WuChaohua;FangZhiwei;王敏;林锦添;WuRongbo;ZhangJianhao;YuJianping;WuMiao;ChuWei;LuTao;ChenGang;程亚 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2021
High field X-ray laser physics 沈百飞;吉亮亮;张晓梅;BuZhi-Gang;徐建彩 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2021
A spectrally bright wavelength-switchable vacuum ultraviolet source driven by quantum coherence in strong-field-ionized molecules WanYuexin;LiuZhaoxiang;姚金平;XuBo;ChenJinming;ZhangFangbo;ZhangZhihao;乔玲玲;程亚;万悦芯 期刊论文 NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2021
Design and operation of a transportable Rb-87 atomic fountain clock 程鹤楠;张臻;DengSiminda;吉经纬;任伟;项静峰;赵剑波;赵鑫;叶美凤;李琳;李唐;屈求智;ChenWeiliang;LiuKun;DaiShaoyang;FangFang;LiTianchu;刘亮;LuDe-sheng 期刊论文 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 2021
Influence of Al/Er ratio on the optical properties and structures of Er3+/ Al3+ co-doped silica glasses JiaoYan;郭梦婷;WangRenle;邵冲云;胡丽丽;焦艳 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2021
Imaging and positioning through scattering media noninvasively by bi-directional exposure 王欣;HuChenyu;刘红林;GaoJingjing;韩申生;王歆 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF OPTICS 2021
Spectral shaping of picosecond petawatt laser system based on lithium niobate birefringent crystal ZhangTeng;LiDa-Wei;汪涛;CuiYong;ZhangTian-Xiong;李望;张捷;徐光 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2021
HfO2/SiO2 anti-reflection films for UV lasers via plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition 尹超奕;朱美萍;ZengTingting;宋晨;柴英杰;邵宇川;ZhangRongjun;赵娇玲;李大伟;邵建达 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2021
Direct comparison of auxiliary and itinerant coherent potential approximations for disordered lattice vibration: Phonon spectral and transport properties ZhaiJianxiong;XueRui;ChengZihan;KeYouqi 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2021
Free-electron lasing at 27 nanometres based on a laser wakefield accelerator 王文涛;冯珂;KeLintong;余昌海;许毅;QiRong;Chen, Yu;QinZhiyong;张志钧;FangMing;LiuJiaqi;JiangKangnan;王浩;王成;杨晓骏;吴分翔;冷雨欣;刘建胜;李儒新;徐至展 期刊论文 NATURE 2021
Direct laser printing color images based on the microstructure modulation of phase change material WeiTao;LiuBo;LiWanfei;LingYun;HuJing;魏劲松 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2021
The effect of temperature on green and red upconversion emissions of LiYF4:20Yb(3+), 1Ho(3+) and its application for temperature sensing LiWeichang;胡丽丽;陈伟;孙时宇;GuzikMalgorzata;BoulonGeorges;李溦长 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2021
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