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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Simulation and retrieval for spaceborne aerosol and cloud high spectral resolution lidar of China Mao, Feiyue;Luo, Xi;Song, Jie;Liang, Zhenxin;Gong, Wei;陈卫标 期刊论文 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 2022
基于光斑形状光束快速自动准直算法 李红;林强;杨朋千;张艳丽;刘代中;朱宝强;朱健强 期刊论文 光子学报 2022
基于自研25 μm/400 μm有源光纤实现0.25 nm,4.23 kW全光纤单模激光 沈辉 期刊论文 中国激光 2022
Study on the Weld-Bonding Process Optimization and Mechanical Performance of Aluminum Alloy Joints 李铭锋;王艳俊;牛振;杨上陆 期刊论文 Automotive Innovation 2022
Investigation on microhardness and fatigue life in spot welding of quenching and partitioning 1180 steel 田佳壮;陶武;杨上陆 期刊论文 Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2022
Effect of welding speed on microstructure and mechanical behavior of laser welded Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel 许伟;陶武;罗海文;杨上陆 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2022
Effect of surface topography on mechanical properties of steel-polycarbonate joints by laser direct joining 陈博;蒋霄;闵峻英;孙成成;刘亿;杨上陆;林建平 期刊论文 WELDING IN THE WORLD 2022
Satellite-borne atomic clock based on diffuse laser-cooled atoms 孟艳玲;蒋小军;武靖;叶美凤;成华东;李琳;刘亮 期刊论文 Frontiers in Physics 2022
A shrinkage-based criterion for evaluating resistance spot weldability of alloyed steels 李硕硕;王艳俊;胡斌;陶武;杨上陆;罗海文 期刊论文 PNAS Nexus 2022
Deep reinforcement with spectrum series learning control for a mode-locked fiber laser 李展;杨帅帅;肖奇;张天宇;李勇;韩璐;刘德安;欧阳小平;朱健强 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2022
Engineering the high-frequency components of coherent supercontinuum generation in hybrid optical fibers with yttrium aluminum garnet core Huang, Chunlei;Kou, Fangxia;Peng, Kedi;Tu, Tianzhi;Li, Shuang;Guo, Minting;Yu, Genjian;Zhou, Yingwu;毕婉君;Zheng, Shupei;Zhang, Cheng;Zheng, Biao;Wang, Jun 期刊论文 RESULTS IN PHYSICS 2022
Ge-Sb Thin Films Patterned by Heat-Mode Lithography 赵培均;郑金轮;张奎;王阳;魏劲松 期刊论文 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS 2022
Flexible chalcogenide glass large-core multimode fibers for hundred-watt-level mid-infrared 2-5 mu m laser transmission 祁思胜;Li, Yuebing;Huang, Zixuan;任和;Sun, Wenjuan;Shi, Jindan;Wang, Fei;Shen, Deyuan;Feng, Xian;杨志勇 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2022
Spectrally multiplexed and bright entangled photon pairs in a lithium niobate microresonator Xu, Bo-Yu;Chen, Li-Kun;林锦添;Feng, Lan-Tian;Niu, Rui;Zhou, Zhi-Yuan;高仁宏;Dong, Chun-Hua;Guo, Guang-Can;Gong, Qi-Huang;程亚;Xiao, Yun-Feng;Ren, Xi-Feng 期刊论文 SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2022
策划创刊周年庆活动对提升科技期刊品牌影响力的研究 李瑞娟;王晓琰;李雅新;沈雅捷;孙佳璇;何卓铭;马沂;王晓峰;杨蕾 期刊论文 编辑学报 2022
STEM教育的应用范畴(十七) 向世清 期刊论文 中国科技教育 2022
步进扫描投影光刻机照明系统技术研究进展 刘佳红;张方;黄惠杰 期刊论文 激光与光电子学进展 2022
STEM教育的应用范畴(十八) 向世清 期刊论文 中国科技教育 2022
高功率脉冲氙灯铈钨电极工作过程中表面稀土元素分布和价态演变 郭向朝;刘作娇;李海兵;刘建军;胡丽丽 期刊论文 稀有金属材料与工程 2022
极紫外光刻掩模缺陷检测与补偿技术研究 成维;李思坤;张子南;王向朝 期刊论文 激光与光电子学进展 2022
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