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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
2021年光学热点回眸 卢战韬;李林骏;邱丽娟;谢兴龙;朱健强 期刊论文 科技导报 2022
Enhanced cold mercury atom production with two-dimensional magneto-optical trap 张晔;刘琪鑫;孙剑芳;徐震;王育竹 期刊论文 Chinese Physics B 2022
Temperature-Dependent Group Delay of Photonic-Bandgap Hollow-Core Fiber Tuned by Surface-Mode Coupling 王亚洲;李正然;于飞;王孟;Han, Ying;胡丽丽;Knight, Jonathan 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2022
STEM教育的应用范畴(十六) 向世清 期刊论文 中国科技教育 2022
双元件可调节人工晶状体设计 周晓红;王良玉;杨朋千 期刊论文 中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志 2022
基于蚁群算法的准直图像处理研究 曾沛颖;朱宝强;朱健强 期刊论文 激光与光电子学进展 2022
靶场终端传输反射镜表面洁净控制技术研究 李养帅;张严峰;刘志刚;周申蕾;孙明营;朱健强 期刊论文 中国激光 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 2022
Synthesis and dissociation of soliton molecules in parallel optical-soliton reactors 何文彬;庞盟;Yeh, Dung-Han;Huang, Jiapeng;Russell, Philip St J. 期刊论文 Light-Science & Applications 2022
激光光强波动无关的248 nm退偏器检测方法 张灵浩;夏克贵;马兴华;朱玲琳;曾爱军;黄惠杰;SergeyAvakaw 期刊论文 中国激光 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 2022
Enhanced near-infrared transmission of ZnO-doped Y2O3-MgO nanocomposites with reduced light scattering due to decreased refractive index difference 张露露;范金太;钱凯臣;沈宗云;范翔龙;Dai, Ye;Zhang, Le;姜本学;Feng, Tao;张龙 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2022
Thermal modeling of resonantly pumped high power Tm-doped fiber amplifiers Tao, Mengmeng;Ye, Jingfeng;叶锡生;Feng, Guobin;Wang, Yamin;余婷;漆云凤;全昭;陈卫标 期刊论文 RESULTS IN PHYSICS 2022
Mechanism of Surface Defects in Ultra-Precision Machining of Sesquioxide Laser Crystal Tm: GdScO3 方媛媛;贺洪波;顿爱欢;张龙 期刊论文 Micromachines 2022
Use of double-grating Offner stretcher for dispersion control in petawatt level optical parametric chirped pulse amplification systems 吴分翔;刘星延;Wang, Xinliang;胡家兵;陆效明;李妍妍;彭宇杰;刘彦祺;Chen, Junchi;龙应斌;Li, Wenkai;张宗昕;许毅;王乘;冷雨欣;李儒新 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2022
Photon limited imaging through disordered media: information extraction by exploiting the photon's quantum nature via deep learning Li, Xida;Shi, Jianhong;Wu, Xiaoyan;刘红林;Sun, Yiwei;Sun, Hao;Zeng, Guihua;Huo, Juan;Lei, Hao 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 2022
Axion-like particle generation in laser-plasma interaction 黄杉;沈百飞;步志刚;张晓梅;吉亮亮 期刊论文 PHYSICA SCRIPTA 2022
Alternative Interpretation of Speckle Autocorrelation Imaging Through Scattering Media 刘红林;Lai, Puxiang;高敬敬;刘震涛;Shi, Jianhong;韩申生 期刊论文 PHOTONIC SENSORS 2022
Comparisons between high power fiber systems in the presence of radiation induced photodarkening Tao, Mengmeng;Chen, Hongwei;Feng, Guobin;Wang, Lijun;Ye, Jingfeng;Wang, Yamin;叶锡生;陈卫标 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS 2022
Measurements of microjoule-level, few-femtosecond ultraviolet dispersive-wave pulses generated in gas-filled hollow capillary fibers 张诚;陈天道;潘劲宇;黄志远;刘冬涵;王丁;于飞;吴达坤;郑羽;殷偌琛;江昕;庞盟;冷雨欣;李儒新 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2022
偏振相移点衍射干涉波像差检测技术研究 冯鹏;李中梁;王向朝;步扬;卢云君;郭福东;李思坤 期刊论文 中国激光 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 2022
13.4?fs, 0.1?Hz OPCPA Front End for the 100 PW-Class Laser Facility 王新亮;陆效明;许毅;冷雨欣;刘星延;陈俊驰;龙应斌;黎文开;李妍妍;彭宇杰;梁晓燕;王乘;刘彦祺;吴分翔;李儒新;陈洵;陈海东;白培乐;李朝阳 期刊论文 Ultrafast Science 2022
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