标题 | 作者 | 论文类型 | 期刊/会议名称 | 年 |
Ultra-high speed digital micro-mirror device based ptychographic iterative engine method | SunAihui;何小亮;KongYan;CuiHaoyang;SongXiaojun;XueLiang;WangShouyu;刘诚 | 期刊论文 | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS | 2017 |
Moving toward optoelectronic logic circuits for visible light: a chalcogenide glass single-mode single-polarization optical waveguide switch | ChenZhi;王关德;WangXiong;赵全忠 | 期刊论文 | APPLIED OPTICS | 2017 |
Low insertion loss optical pulse interleaving for ultra-low phase noise photonic microwave generation | 汪凌珂;HuangJunchao;刘亮;李唐;WangLingke | 期刊论文 | OPTICS EXPRESS | 2017 |
Isolated attosecond pulse generation with few-cycle two-color counter-rotating circularly polarized laser pulses | WuJin-Song;贾正茂;ZengZhi-Nan | 期刊论文 | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 2017 |
Covalent functionalization of graphene oxide with porphyrin and porphyrin incorporated polymers for optical limiting | DuYinlong;董宁宁;ZhangMenghan;ZhuKai;NaRuiqi;ZhangShuling;SunNingwei;WangGuibin;王俊 | 期刊论文 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 2017 |
Tunable colorimetric performance of Al2O3-YAG:Ce3+ eutectic crystal by Ce3+ concentration | 赛青林;XiaChangtai;SaiQinglin | 期刊论文 | JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE | 2017 |
Laser-damage characteristics of Nd: glass active mirrors | 刘晓凤;GaoYanqi;孙建;李大伟;朱美萍;HuGuohang;张伟丽;ZhaoYuan'an;邵建达;LiuXiaofeng | 期刊论文 | APPLIED OPTICS | 2017 |
基于光-光同步放大抑制光谱红移的光谱整形技术 | 储玉喜;柴路;甘泽彪;梁晓燕;胡明列;王清月 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
利用SOFI方法提高光片荧光显微镜横向分辨率 | 安坤;王晶;梁东;刘军 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
Effects of boron oxide substitution on the structure and bioactivity of SrO-containing bioactive glasses | LuXiaonan;邓路;KuoPo-Hsuen;RenMengguo;ButerbaughIan;DuJincheng | 期刊论文 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 2017 |
低相干光干涉高精度透镜中心厚度的测量方法 | 金超群;杨宝喜;胡小邦;张方;马健;黄惠杰 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
不同长径比金纳米双锥对光敏剂荧光和光动力疗法效果的增强 | 王诗淼;王晶;刘军;李儒新 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
全内反射技术检测大口径光学元件体内缺陷 | 杨菲菲;缪洁;谢雨江;刘德安;朱健强 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
基于互相关运算的扫频光学相干层析成像延时校正算法 | 卢宇;李中梁;南楠;步扬;陈艳;王瑄;王向朝 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
海洋激光雷达水体光学特性参数反演模型对比及分析 | 李晓龙;陈永华;于非;姜静波;贺岩;陈卫标;李杰 | 期刊论文 | 光学学报 | 2017 |
表面疵病动态彩色编码融合成像检测技术 | 缪洁;李展;崔子健;刘德安;朱健强 | 期刊论文 | 光学学报 | 2017 |
Understanding the physical properties of hybrid perovskites for photovoltaic applications | HuangJinsong;YuanYongbo;邵宇川;YanYanfa | 期刊论文 | NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS | 2017 |
Stable Graphene-Two-Dimensional Multiphase Perovskite Heterostructure Phototransistors with High Gain | 邵宇川;LiuYe;陈晓龙;陈晨;SarpkayaIbrahim;ChenZhaolai;FangYanjun;KongJaemin;WatanabeKenji;TaniguchiTakashi;TaylorAndre;HuangJinsong;XiaFengnian;ShaoYuchuan | 期刊论文 | NANO LETTERS | 2017 |
基于多通道海洋激光雷达的海陆波形分类 | 黄田程;陶邦一;毛志华;贺岩;胡善江;王聪聪;俞家勇;陈鹏 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
Performance of smoothing by spectral dispersion with consideration of the gain characteristic of Nd:glass amplifier | JiangXiu-Juan;TangYi-Fan;李望;李菁辉;WangBo;XiangYing | 期刊论文 | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 2017 |