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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
High-Stability High-Energy Picosecond Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier as a Preamplifier in Nd:Glass Petawatt System for Contrast Enhancement HuangTing-Rui;潘雪;张鹏;王江峰;欧阳小平;李学春 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Polarization phase-shifting lateral shearing interferometer with two polarization beam splitter plates GuLiyuan;刘磊;HuShiyu;ZengAijun;黄惠杰 期刊论文 OPTICAL REVIEW 2017
33 W continuous-wave single-frequency green laser by frequency doubling of a single-mode YDFA 崔淑珍;张磊;姜华卫;冯衍;CuiShuzhen 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Phase Matching Using the Linear Electro-Optic Effect 崔子健;刘德安;MiaoJie;YangAihua;朱健强;CuiZijian 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017
Sensitization and deactivation effects of Nd3+ on the Ho3+: 3.9 mu m emission in a PbF2 crystal ZhangPeixiong;杭寅;LiZhen;ChenZhenqiang;YinHao;ZhuSiqi;FuShenhe;李善明;徐民 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2017
5 W output power from a double-clad hybrid fiber with Yb-doped phosphate core and silicate cladding 王龙飞;何冬兵;张磊;于春雷;冯素雅;王孟;陈丹平;胡丽丽;WangLongfei 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Stimulated emission and laser behaviors of Nd3+/Yb3+ Co-doped phosphate glass fiber LinZhi-Quan;于春雷;何冬兵;冯素雅;张磊;陈丹平;胡丽丽 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2017
Q-switching Yb3+: YAG lasers based on plasmon resonance nonlinearities of Cu2-xSe@Cu2-xS nanorods ZhanYi;WangYimeng;LongJinlin;祖继锋;李望;WangCongcong;QuTing;LiuQian 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Beam modulation due to thermal deformation of grating in a spectral beam combining system LiLinxin;晋云霞;孔钒宇;WangLeilei;陈军明;邵建达 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Prospects of obtaining terawatt class infrared pulses using standard optical parametric amplification 郭晓杨;TokitaShigeki;TuXiaoniu;ZhengYanqing;KawanakaJunji;GuoXiaoyang 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS 2017
A diffraction-limited laser of 25/400 Yb3+/Al3+/P5+/F- silica fiber with a zigzag refractive index profile LinZhiquan;楼风光;王孟;ZhangGuodong;张磊;冯素雅;于春雷;陈丹平;胡丽丽 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS 2017
Passively Q-switched Ho, Pr: LiLuF4 bulk laser at 2.95 mu m using WS2 saturable absorbers GuoLei;陶立;ZhangShuaiyi;王明建;ZhaoShengzhi;YangKejian;LiDechun;YanZhengyu 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 2017
Simple phase shifting lateral shearing interferometer based on a thick birefringent plate GuShuaiyan;刘磊;HuShiyu;ZengAijun;朱玲琳;黄惠杰 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY 2017
基于镀金膜反射式衍射光栅的激光光谱合成 陈颖;杨依枫;郑也;陈晓龙;刘恺;何兵;吴庆彪 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
Waveform control of enhanced THz radiation from femtosecond laser filament in air 王铁军;鞠晶晶;刘尧香;李儒新;徐至展;ChinSeeLeang 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Self-Referenced Spectral Interferometry for Femtosecond Pulse Characterization 申雄;王鹏;刘军;KobayashiTakayoshi;李儒新;ShenXiong 期刊论文 APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2017
Intense keV IAP generation by orthogonally polarized multicycle midinfrared two-color laser fields LiGuicun;郑颖辉;ZengZhinan;李儒新 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Optical-power tunable dual-wavelength laser around 1 mu m in Nd3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass fiber LinZhiquan;于春雷;何冬兵;张磊;冯素雅;陈丹平;胡丽丽 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Wavefront-sensing-based autofocusing in microscopy XuJing;TianXiaolin;MengXin;KongYan;GaoShumei;CuiHaoyang;LiuFei;XueLiang;刘诚;WangShouyu 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 2017
State Preparation in a Cold Atom Clock by Optical Pumping DuanYu-Xiong;汪斌;项静峰;LiuQian;屈求智;LuDe-Sheng;刘亮 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
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