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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
星地相干光通信中的自适应光学系统带宽研究 李佳蔚;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
谐振腔振荡式飞秒单次脉冲信噪比的测量技术 石帅旭;杨庆伟;欧阳小平;夏素秋;朱建强 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
High power TEM00 picosecond output based on a Nd:GdVO4 discrete path Innoslab amplifier 郭洁;林华;李进峰;GaoPeng;梁晓燕;GuoJie 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Frequency control of the broadband ultrashort terahertz source generated from the laser induced plasma by two-color pluses 李娜;白亚;刘鹏;LiNa 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2016
10.8 kW spectral beam combination of eight all-fiber superfluorescent sources and their dispersion compensation ZhengYe;杨依枫;WangJianhua;HuMan;LiuGuangbo;ZhaoXiang;陈晓龙;刘恺;赵纯;何兵;周军 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2016
Pump-probe spectroscopy of cold rubidium atoms in an integrating sphere 王文丽;DongRi-Chang;邓见辽;王育竹 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2016
Covalent functionalization of reduced graphene oxide with porphyrin by means of diazonium chemistry for nonlinear optical performance WangAijian;王瑜;HuangZhipeng;ZhouFeng;SongJingbao;SongYinglin;LongLingliang;CifuentesMarieP.;HumphreyMarkG.;张龙;邵建达;ZhangChi 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Self-homodyne free-space optical communication system based on orthogonally polarized binary phase shift keying CaiGuangyu;孙建锋;LiGuangyuan;ZhangGuo;XuMengmeng;ZhangBo;YueChaolei;LiuLiren 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
High magneto-optical characteristics of Holmium-doped terbium gallium garnet crystal 陈喆;杨蕾;WangXiangyong;杭寅;ChenZhe 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Temperature-Insensitive Frequency Conversion by Electro-optic Effect Compensating for Phase Mismatch 崔子健;刘德安;YangAihua;MiaoJie;张军勇;朱健强;CuiZijian 期刊论文 IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2016
Extended focused imaging and depth map reconstruction in optical scanning holography RenZhenbo;陈妮;LamEdmundY.;RenZB 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
Performance of multi-hop parallel free-space optical communication over gamma-gamma fading channel with pointing errors GaoZhengguang;LiuHongzhan;马小平;鲁伟 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
无调制四棱锥波前传感器的光瞳像标定方法 颜召军;杨朋千;陈欣扬 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
Resolution enhancement of optical scanning holography with a spiral modulated point spread function 陈妮;RenZhenbo;OuHaiyan;LamEdmundY.;ChenN 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2016
High-resolution Fourier hologram synthesis from photographic images through computing the light field 陈妮;RenZhenbo;LamEdmundY.;ChenN 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
基于动态适应度函数的光源掩模优化方法 杨朝兴;李思坤;王向朝 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
基于低相干干涉技术的大量程高精度镜面间距测量 师中华;杨宝喜;胡小邦;金超群;魏张帆;李璟;黄惠杰 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
退火对金属介质多层膜的界面扩散及抗化学清洗性能的影响 张洪;晋云霞;孔钒宇;黄昊鹏;崔云;胡国行;李响潭;葛雯娜;叶邦角 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
Growth and spectral characters of Nd:CaGdAlO4 crystal DiJuqing;SunXiaohui;XuXiaodong;XiaChangtai;赛青林;YuHaohai;WangYicheng;ZhuLiu;GaoYuan;GuoXueyi 期刊论文 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS 2016
0.5-GHz Repetition Rate Fundamentally Tm-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser KuanPei-Wen;LiKefeng;张磊;李夏;于春雷;FengGaofeng;胡丽丽 期刊论文 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2016
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