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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Preparation and luminescence of Ce: YAG transparent glass ceramics by liquid-phase sintering 姜益光;姜本学;袁新强;WangChuanfeng;范金太;YangQinghua;ZhangPande;ChenShuilin;毛小建;张龙;JiangYiguang 期刊论文 MATERIALS LETTERS 2017
Silicon carbide doped Sb2Te3 nanomaterial for fast-speed phase change memory MengYun;WuLiangcai;SongZhitang;WenShuai;JiangMinghui;魏劲松;王阳 期刊论文 MATERIALS LETTERS 2017
Single-Shot Full-Field Characterization of Short Pulses by Using Temporal Annealing Modified Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm QiaoZhi;YaoYudong;汪小超;范薇;林尊琪 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 2017
A Gaussian process and image registration based stitching method for high dynamic range measurement of precision surfaces LiuM.Y.;CheungC.F.;ChengC.H.;SuR.;LeachR.K.;LiuMY 期刊论文 PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2017
Quantitative birefringence distribution measurement using mixed-state ptychography 张雪洁;ChengBei;刘诚;沈卫星;朱健强;ZhangXuejie 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Generation of largely elliptically polarized terahertz radiation from laser-induced plasma WangHonggeng;李娜;白亚;刘鹏;WangZhanshan;刘呈普 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
1.57 MW peak power pulses generated by a diode-pumped Q-switched Nd:LuAG ceramic laser 马剑;陆婷婷;朱小磊;JiangBenxne;ZhangPande;陈卫标;MaJian 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Optimization of surface measurement for metal additive manufacturing using coherence scanning interferometry GomezCarlos;苏榕;ThompsonAdam;DiSciaccaJack;LawesSimon;LeachRichard;GomezC 期刊论文 OPTICAL ENGINEERING 2017
High-precision lateral distortion measurement and correction in coherence scanning interferometry using an arbitrary surface EkbergPeter;苏榕;LeachRichard;EkbergP 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Research and development of neodymium phosphate laser glass for high power laser application 胡丽丽;何冬兵;陈辉宇;王欣;孟涛;温磊;胡俊江;徐永春;李顺光;陈尤阔;陈伟;陈树彬;唐景平;王标;HuLili 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2017
Controlling n-type conductivity of beta-Ga2O3 by Nb doping ZhouWei;XiaChangtai;赛青林;ZhangHongzhe 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Enhancing the electron acceleration by a circularly polarized laser interaction with a cone-target with an external longitudinal magnetic field GongJ.X.;CaoL.H.;PanK.Q.;XiaoC.Z.;WuD.;HeX.T. 期刊论文 PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2017
Application of the spin reorientation in RFe1-xMnxO3 (R = Tb/Ho) 方依霏;CuiXiaopeng;KangJian;SunWei;ChengPengyu;陈飞;ZhangJincang 期刊论文 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 2017
228 nm pulse duration dependence in the photodissociation of H-2(+) JiaZ.M.;TangW.T. 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 2017
High Speed Computational Ghost Imaging via Spatial Sweeping WangYuwang;刘阳;SuoJinli;司徒国海;QiaoChang;DaiQionghai 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Giant Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Response in Nd: YAG Single Crystals by Embedded Silver Nanoparticles LiRang;董宁宁;ChengChen;RenFeng;HuebnerRene;王俊;ZhouShengqiang;ChenFeng 期刊论文 ACS OMEGA 2017
Study of effects of Te addition and oxygen contamination on the surface short range order structure of Ge-Bi-Se glass by XPS YinHaiwei;刘垠垚;李磊;ZhengJianhua;ZengHuidan;ChenGuorong 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2017
Fatigue cracking characteristics of fiber Laser-VPTIG hybrid butt welded 7N01P-T4 aluminum alloy QiaoJ.N.;LuJ.X.;WuS.K.;QiaoJN 期刊论文 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2017
Phthalocyanine-mediated non-covalent coupling of carbon nanotubes with polyaniline for ultrafast NH3 gas sensors 吴昊;ChenZhimin;ZhangJialin;WuFeng;HeChunying;吴谊群;RenZhiyu;WuHao 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 2017
超薄电磁屏蔽光窗超材料吸波器 白正元;姜雄伟;张龙 期刊论文 光学学报 2017
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