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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Atomic fountain frequency standard: principle and development WangQian;魏荣;王育竹 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2018
Transparency of near-critical density plasmas under extreme laser intensities 吉亮亮;沈百飞;张晓梅;JiLiangliang 期刊论文 NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2018
Enhanced 1.4 mu m emissions of Tm3+ via Tb3+ deactivation in (Gd0.5Lu0.5)(2)SiO5 crystal ZhangPeixiong;HuangXingbin;王锐;LiZhen;YinHao;ZhuSiqi;ChenZhenqiang;杭寅 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 2018
Laser resistance dependence of interface for high-reflective coatings studied by capacitance-voltage and absorption measurement XuNuo;朱美萍;柴英杰;RoshanzadehBehshad;BoydS.T.P.;RudolphWolfgang;赵元安;ChenRong;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2018
Aluminum-target-assisted femtosecond-laser-filament-induced water condensation and snow formation in a cloud chamber 刘永宏;刘建胜;孙海轶;鞠晶晶;HuXinkai;王成;冷雨欣;LiuYonghong 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Study of the key factors affecting temperature of spectral-beam-combination grating XuJiao;陈军明;ChenPeng;王勇禄;张益彬;孔钒宇;晋云霞;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Detecting the propagation effect of terahertz wave inside the two-color femtosecond laser filament in the air ZhaoJ.;ZhangX.;LiS.;LiuC.;ChenY.;PengY.;ZhuY. 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 2018
High-precision determination of the cut angle of an electro-optic crystal by conoscopic interference 鲁棋;王圣浩;周游;刘世杰;邵建达;LuQi 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2018
100 mm diameter rod laser amplifiers made of different Nd:glasses ShaykinA.A.;KuzminA.A.;ShaikinI.A.;PotemkinA.K.;ArbuzovV.I.;胡丽丽;温磊;KhazanovE.A. 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 2018
窄线宽全光纤环形滤波器特性研究 秦晓琼;方祖捷;应康;魏芳;王照勇;叶青;潘政清;蔡海文;瞿荣辉 期刊论文 光学学报 2018
Coherent amplitude modulation imaging based on partially saturated diffraction pattern 潘兴臣;刘诚;朱健强;PanXingchen 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
960线光谱合束光栅的热畸变分析 徐姣;陈俊明;陈鹏;王勇禄;张益彬;孔钒宇;晋云霞;邵建达 期刊论文 光学学报 2018
Resolution enhancement for topography measurement of high-dynamic-range surfaces via image fusion WangJian;苏榕;LeachRichard;LuWenlong;ZhouLiping;JiangXiangqian;WangJ 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
2017年光学热点回眸 谢兴龙;沈卫星;朱健强 期刊论文 科技导报(北京) 2018
Fe∶ZnS/ZnSe中红外固体激光器研究进展 程小劲;李超;徐飞;姜本学 期刊论文 激光技术 2018
提高抗激光损伤性能技术研究进展 刘爽;高雪松;田宗军;赵全忠 期刊论文 激光与光电子学进展 2018
Reduced Graphene Oxide Chemically Modified with Aggregation-Induced Emission Polymer for Solid-State Optical Limiter LiuZhiwei;董宁宁;JiangPeng;WangKexin;王俊 期刊论文 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2018
Enhanced luminescent performance for remote LEDs of Ce:YAG phosphor in-glass film on regular textured glass substrate by using chemical wet etching XuLingzhi;ZhaoGuoying;MengShaohua;FangYongzheng;HouJingshan;LiuYufeng;廖梅松;ZouJun;胡丽丽 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2018
Near-Resonant Raman Amplification in the Rotational Quantum Wave Packets of Nitrogen Molecular Ions Generated by Strong Field Ionization LiuZhaoxiang;姚金平;ChenJinming;XuBo;ChuWei;程亚 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018
Statistical approach to modeling relationships of composition - structure - property I: Alkaline earth phosphate glasses ZhangL.Y.;LiH.;HuL.L. 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2018
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