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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Transient Resistive Switching Memory of CsPbBr3 Thin Films LinQiqi;HuWei;ZangZhigang;ZhouMiao;杜鹃;WangMing;HanShuai;TangXiaosheng 期刊论文 ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2018
Probing electron - atom collision dynamics in gas plasma by high-order harmonic spectroscopy WeiPengfei;QinMeiyan;YuanXiaolong;刘灿东;李儒新;ZengZhinan;LuPeixiang;DorfmanKonstantin;YeWeiguo;姚波;WangQiJie;LiHao;LiuJiayun;ZhangYing;JeongSeokYong;YunGunsuS.;KimDongEon 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2018
Locally-enhanced light scattering by a monocrystalline silicon wafer MaLi;ZhangPan;LiZhen-Hua;LiuChun-Xiang;LiXing;占子俊;RenXiao-Rong;HeChang-Wei;ChenChao;ChengChuan-Fu 期刊论文 AIP ADVANCES 2018
A Scientific Research of the Painted Potteries of the Yangshao Culture from the Miao-Di-Gou Site ZhaoLing-wei;ChenHai-long;赵虹霞;董俊卿;李青会 期刊论文 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2018
Efficient and stable planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells by doping tungsten compound into PEDOT:PSS to facilitate perovskite crystalline FanPu;ZhengDing;郑毅帆;YuJunsheng 期刊论文 ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 2018
Binary Solvent Additives Treatment Boosts the Efficiency of PTB7:PCBM Polymer Solar Cells to Over 9.5% 郑毅帆;WangGang;HuangDi;KongJaemin;GohTengHooi;HuangWei;YuJunsheng;TaylorAndreD. 期刊论文 SOLAR RRL 2018
Time-Resolved Fluorescence and Thermodynamic Properties of Staphylococcal Nuclease ChangMeng-fang;贾梦辉;李磊;ChenJin-quan;XuJian-hua 期刊论文 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2018
Terawatt-scale optical half-cycle attosecond pulses 徐建彩;沈百飞;张晓梅;时银;吉亮亮;张林港;徐同军;王文鹏;赵学燕;徐至展;XuJiancai 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Optical fringe-reflection deflectometry with bundle adjustment XiaoYong-Liang;李思坤;ZhangQican;ZhongJianxin;SuXianyu;YouZhisheng 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 2018
Nonlinear gamma correction via normed bicoherence minimization in optical fringe projection metrology KamagaraAbel;WangXiangzhao;李思坤 期刊论文 OPTICAL ENGINEERING 2018
Effect of ultrasonic peening on Microstructure and properties of laser rapid forming GH4169 LiuShuang;TianZong-Jun;高雪松;LvFei 期刊论文 OPTIK 2018
EPR steering of polar molecules in pendular states and their dynamics under intrinsic decoherence ZhangZuo-Yuan;WeiDaxiu;胡正峰;LiuJin-Ming 期刊论文 RSC ADVANCES 2018
Enhanced visible transmittance and reduced transition temperature for VO2 thin films modulated by index-tunable SiO2 anti-reflection coatings ZhuMaodong;齐红基;汪斌;王虎;ZhangDongping;LvWeizhong 期刊论文 RSC ADVANCES 2018
Phase-shifting radial-shearing digital holography with Greek-ladder zone plates ZhangSimin;张军勇;范薇;周申蕾;朱健强 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2018
Black Phosphorus Q-Switched Large-Mode-Area Tm-Doped Fiber Laser RenYan;QinZhipeng;XieGuoqiang;QiaoZhen;MaJingui;YuanPeng;QianLiejia;王世凯;于春雷;胡丽丽 期刊论文 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPTICS 2018
Status and development of high-power laser facilities at the NLHPLP 朱健强;ZhuJian;李学春;朱宝强;MaWeixin;卢兴强;范薇;刘志刚;周申蕾;徐光;张国文;谢兴龙;杨琳;王江峰;欧阳小平;刘代中;李望;李大伟;杨朋千;樊全堂;孙明营;刘崇;刘德安;张艳丽;陶华;孙美智;朱坪;王冰艳;焦兆阳;任磊;焦翔;黄宏彪;林尊琪;ZhuJianqiang 期刊论文 HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
An improved method based on a new wavelet transform for overlapped peak detection on spectrum obtained by portable Raman system LiuMinghui;董作人;辛国锋;孙延光;QuRonghui 期刊论文 CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 2018
基于带电粒子活化法开展的SGII-U皮秒激光质子加速实验研究 贺书凯;齐伟;矫金龙;董克攻;邓志刚;滕建;张博;张智猛;洪伟;张辉;沈百飞;谷渝秋 期刊论文 物理学报 2018
Calibration method of overlay measurement error caused by asymmetric mark DuJuyou;戴凤钊;步扬;WangXiangzhao 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2018
Recent advances in ultraviolet and deep-ultraviolet second-order nonlinear optical crystals WuChao;YangGang;HumphreyMarkG.;ZhangChi 期刊论文 COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 2018
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