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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Polarization simulation and analysis of residual birefringence in optical materials for a hyper-NA lithography illumination system ZhouRuyi;朱玲琳;ZhangChong;LiuTiecheng;ZengAijun;AvakawSergey;黄惠杰 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2019
Influence of Average Cavity Dispersion and Spectral Bandwidth on Passively Harmonic Mode Locked L-Band Er-Doped Fiber Laser HuangQianqian;ZouChuanhang;王天行;AlAraimiMohammed;RozhinAleksey;MouChengbo 期刊论文 IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 2019
Imaging method of single layer graphene on metal substrate based on imaging ellipsometer with large field of view LiGuiyun;GuLiyuan;胡敬佩;朱玲琳;ZengAijun;黄惠杰 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2019
Room temperature exciton-polariton condensate in an optically-controlled trap ZhangXinhan;ZhangYingjun;董红星;唐冰;LiDehui;TianChuan;XuChunyan;ZhouWeihang 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2019
Continuous-wave-tunable and passively Q-switched 2.9 mu m Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 lasers LiuShande;NieHongkun;ZhangBaitao;ZhangPeixiong;SunXiaoli;YanBingzheng;LiGuoru;WangYiran;LiuJunting;ShiBingnan;杭寅;HeJingliang 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 2019
Liquid Exfoliation of Two-Dimensional PbI2 Nanosheets for Ultrafast Photonics FanQun;HuangJiawei;董宁宁;HongSong;YanChao;LiuYongchao;QiuJieshan;王俊;SunZhenyu 期刊论文 ACS PHOTONICS 2019
Phase-Separation Engineering of Glass for Drastic Enhancement of Upconversion Luminescence FangZaijin;ChenZhi;PengWencai;邵冲云;ZhengShupei;胡丽丽;QiuJianrong;GuanBai-Ou 期刊论文 ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2019
Online learning method based on artificial neural network to optimize magnetic shielding characteristic parameters PengXiang-Kai;吉经纬;李琳;任伟;项静峰;刘亢亢;程鹤楠;张臻;屈求智;李唐;刘亮;LuDe-Sheng 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2019
Low phase noise microwave frequency synthesizer for cold atom clock YuMingyuan;WangYaning;AnJinyin;王欣;OuyangXinchuan;肖玲;李唐;成华东;刘亮 期刊论文 AIP ADVANCES 2019
Femtosecond laser-induced damage characteristics of mid-infrared oxyfluorogallate glass 李奇松;袁新强;姜雄伟;居永凤;张龙;LiQisong 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2019
Generation of high-energy clean multicolored ultrashort pulses and their application in single-shot temporal contrast measurement 王鹏;申雄;刘军;李儒新;WangPeng 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
8.8 GHz Q-switched mode-locked waveguide lasers modulated by PtSe2 saturable absorber LiZiqi;LiRang;PangChi;董宁宁;王俊;YuHaohai;ChenFeng 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
Single-frame wide-field nanoscopy based on ghost imaging via sparsity constraints 李文雯;TongZhishen;XiaoKang;刘震涛;高奇;孙静;LiuShupeng;韩申生;WangZhongyang;LiWenwen 期刊论文 OPTICA 2019
Metal dielectric gratings with high femtosecond laser damage threshold of twice as much as that of traditional gold gratings XuJiao;邹溪;陈军明;ZhangYibi;王勇禄;晋云霞;孔钒宇;曹红超;ChenPeng;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2019
基于光谱估计与多光谱技术的光学元件表面疵病检测 杨言若;步扬;徐静浩;王少卿;王向朝;李杰 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
Effect of different temporal light fields on compressive temporal ghost imaging reconstruction KangYi;XiongRui;ZhangLeihong;马秀华;ZhangDawei 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 2019
Full-field ultrafast oscilloscope based on temporal imaging QiaoZhi;潘雪;YaoYudong;汪小超;范薇;李学春 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
地表反射率及气溶胶光学厚度对星载路径积分差分吸收激光雷达性能的影响 杨巨鑫;朱亚丹;王勤;卜令兵;刘继桥;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
Phytic acid-guided ultra-thin N,P co-doped carbon coated carbon nanotubes for efficient all-pH electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution XiaoFei;ChenZhimin;吴昊;王莹;CaoErping;LuXiaodong;吴谊群;RenZhiyu 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2019
脉宽依赖的飞秒激光成丝钳制光强的研究 张旋;王铁军;郭豪;孙海轶;李儒新 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
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