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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Validation of the Analytical Model of Oceanic Lidar Returns: Comparisons with Monte Carlo Simulations and Experimental Results ZhouYudi;陈卫标;CuiXiaoyu;MalinkaAleksey;LiuQun;HanBing;WangXueji;ZhuoWenqi;CheHaochi;SongQingjun;朱小磊;LiuDong 期刊论文 REMOTE SENSING 2019
High power, microjoule-level diffraction-limited picosecond oscillator based on Nd:GdVO4 bulk crystal 郭洁;汪唯;林华;梁晓燕;GuoJie 期刊论文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2019
Raman spectroscopy of Bisphenol 'S' and its analogy with Bisphenol 'A' uncovered with a dimensionality reduction technique UllahRamzan;WangXiangzhao 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 2019
Nonlinear Optical Signatures of the Transition from Semiconductor to Semimetal in PtSe2 王蕾;张赛锋;McEvoyNiall;SunYi-yang;HuangJiawei;XieYafeng;董宁宁;张晓燕;KislyakovIvanM.;NunziJean-Michel;张龙;王俊;WangLei 期刊论文 LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS 2019
TiO2 nanoparticles modified with 2D MoSe2 for enhanced photocatalytic activity on hydrogen evolution WuLulu;ShiShuai;LiQiaodan;张晓燕;CuiXiaoli 期刊论文 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2019
Nuclear probes of an out-of-equilibrium plasma at the highest compression ZhangG.;HuangM.;BonaseraA.;MaY.G.;ShengB.F.;WangH.W.;WangW.P.;XuJ.C.;FanG.T.;FuH.J.;XueH.;ZhengH.;LiuL.X.;ZhangS.;LiW.J.;CaoX.G.;DengX.G.;LiX.Y.;LiuY.C.;YuY.;ZhangY.;FuC.B.;ZhangX.P. 期刊论文 PHYSICS LETTERS A 2019
A simple system of swept source optical coherence tomography for a large imaging depth range WangXuan;李中梁;南楠;步扬;ZengAijun;SasakiOsami;WangXiangzhao 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2019
New Optical Manipulation of Relativistic Vortex Cutter WangW.P.;JiangC.;ShenB.F.;YuanF.;GanZ.M.;ZhangH.;ZhaiS.H.;XuZ.Z. 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Surface-State Assisted Carrier Recombination and Optical Nonlinearities in Bulk to 2D Nonlayered PtS HuangJiawei;董宁宁;McEvoyNiall;王蕾;CoileainCormacO.;WangHongqiang;CullenConorP.;ChenChenduan;张赛锋;张龙;王俊 期刊论文 ACS NANO 2019
X射线强度关联干涉测量能谱展宽校正 杨善初;喻虹;陆荣华;谈志杰;韩申生 期刊论文 光学学报 2019
A simple high-precision wide-spectrum interferometric system 鲁棋;刘世杰;邵建达;周游;徐天柱;潘靖宇;王圣浩;白云波;徐学科;LuQi 期刊论文 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 2019
CsPbBr3 nanocrystal for mode-locking Tm-doped fiber laser ZhouYan;ZhangRenli;李夏;KuanPeiwen;HeDongyu;HouJingshan;LiuYufeng;FangYongzheng;廖梅松 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS B 2019
Stable and enhanced frequency up-converted lasing from CsPbBr3 quantum dots embedded in silica sphere 刘征征;HuZhiping;ShiTongchao;杜鹃;杨洁;张泽宇;TangXiaosheng;冷雨欣;LiuZhengzheng 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
Longitudinal characterization of the wake and electron bunch in a laser wakefield accelerator 张志钧;王文涛;刘建胜;FangMing;李文涛;田野;QiRong;王成;余昌海;QinZhiyong;LiuJiaqi;李儒新;徐至展;ZhangZhijun 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS 2019
Low-Power RF Signal Detection Using a High-Gain Tunable OEO Based on Equivalent Phase Modulation ShaoYuchen;HanXiuyou;叶青;ZhuBoqin;DaiYitang;WangChao;ZhaoMingshan 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 2019
Effect of GeO2 on structure and properties of Yb: Phosphate glass YanSasa;YueYu;WangYajie;DiaoYunchao;陈丹平;张丽艳 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 2019
High-order wavefront aberration measurement method for hyper-NA lithographic projection lens based on a binary target and rotated regression matrix ZhuBoer;李思坤;WangXiangzhao;MengZejiang;ZhangHeng;戴凤钊;唐锋;DuanLifeng 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Transparent Nd,Y-Codoped Ca1-xSrxF2 glass-ceramic with large emission bandwidth tailored by a controllable spontaneous precipitation under supersaturated state 姜益光;王在洋;ZhangLongfei;YuanChengfeng;张龙;JiangYiguang 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2019
Glass-forming ability control of Er3+-Doped lithium-modified fluorozirconate glass YuanChengfeng;姜益光;ZhangLongfei;王在洋;GuoYangyang;JiangYejia;CuiSujie;LiYu;王龙飞;李家成;廖梅松;ZengHuidan;张龙 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2019
可低温工作的窄脉冲宽温激光器 白家荣;刘源;钟朝阳;孟洁;施君杰;王明建;孟俊清;侯霞;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2019
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