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10月17日外宾学术报告:Generation of shock and blast waves induced by laser irradiation

来源: 发布时间:2024-10-15【字体:

报告人Dimitri Batani, Professor, University of Bordeaux, CELIA, Bordeaux, France




The investigation of the generation of very strong shocks (initial pressures larger than 100 Mbar) in solid density matter is important for the study of matter in extreme pressure conditions as well as for laboratory astrophysics Here we report the results of an experimental campaign performed at CLPU using the VEGA–II laser facility. We focused on studying the dynamics of shocks produced by using fs-laser irradiation. We show that in this case the mechanism of shock generation relies on the energy deposition inside the target from hot electrons produced in laser-matter interactions. Due to the short laser pulse duration, pressure is not maintained in time and the shock takes the form of a blast wave.

In the experiment, we irradiated solid-density targets of aluminum or plastics of various thicknesses were irradiated by the fs-laser. A full characterization of the blast wave formation and propagation was performed using several diagnostics. X-ray emission was detected by using a bremsstrahlung cannon and a Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope. Together with electron spectrometers, they provided information about hot electron temperature. Optical diagnostics (shock chronometry) provided information on the propagation of the blast wave in solids. Doppler reflectometry provided information on the motion of the target rear surface.

Finally, experimental results were simulated through a complex chain of simulations.


Dimitri Batani,法国波尔多大学特级教授,欧洲科学院院士,欧洲物理学会会士。高能量密度物理专家。在激光产生等离子体、高能量密度物质状态、激光驱动的辐射和粒子源、等离子体诊断、惯性约束聚变物理等多个方向上做出了开拓性的贡献。发表SCI论文400余篇,H因子>40,引用7000余次。获意大利物理学会(SIF)和法国物理学会联合颁发的“2017年弗里德尔沃尔特拉奖”(Friedel Volterra Prize 2017)以及韩国原子能研究院奖(Award of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)。担任Applied Physics B 期刊编辑,Laser and Particle Beams 期刊编委会委员和High Power Laser Science and Engineering 期刊编委会委员,Matter and Radiation at Extremes 特邀专刊编辑。
