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7月19日学术报告: Interplay of Thermodynamics, Topology, and Interaction Effects in Ultracold Quantum Gases

来源: 发布时间:2024-07-18【字体:

报告人:严杨千老师 香港中文大学

会议时间2024719日 下午1330

会议地点清河路390 溢智厅


This talk examines thermodynamics, topology, and interactions in ultracold quantum gases. We focus on weakly interacting single-component Fermi gases, studying temperature-dependent contact and loss rate. By linking the two-body loss rate to the p-wave contact, we use Fermi liquid theory and virial expansion to describe the loss-rate coefficient across temperature ranges. Our unified model for harmonically trapped gases matches experimental data without parameter fitting. Next, we study the (1+1)D interacting Rice-Mele model, showing how strong interactions affect topology. The Chern number, linked to Dirac monopoles in the many-body wave function's generalized Brillouin zone, determines the quantization of the interacting Thouless pump. By examining how interactions shift monopole positions, we predict Thouless charge pumps for strongly interacting Bose and SU(N) Fermi gases in optical lattices, explaining recent experiments.


严杨千,本科就读于中科大,并在华盛顿州立大学取得博士学位师从D Blume教授博士毕业后在普度大学物理与天文系任副研究员(周琦教授组)。20218月在香港中文大学物理系任助理教授。

严杨千老师长期从事超冷原子领域的量子模拟理论研究,研究方向涵盖幺正费米气体和强相互作用玻色气体的量子模拟等。迄今,严老师已经在国际主流 SCI 收录期刊发表论文 20 余篇,包括 PRL 9 (第一/唯一通讯作者 5 篇,第二作者 2 篇,第三作者 1 , 第五作者 1 )PRX 1 (共同第一作者)PRX Quantum 1 (第二作者,主要理论贡献)Science Bulletin(第三作者)
