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报告人:赵路恒 博士后 美国杜克大学
会议时间:2024年07月11日(周四) 上午10:00
Quantum thermalization occurs in a broad class of systems from elementary particles to complex materials. Out-of-equilibrium quantum systems have long been understood to either thermalize or retain memory of their initial states, but not both. Here we achieve the first coexistence of thermalization and memory in a quantum system, where we use both Rydberg blockade and facilitation in an atom array to engineer a fragmentation of the Hilbert space into exponentially many disjointed subspaces. We find that the fragmented system yields quantum many-body scars arising from the Z_2 class of initial states, which generalizes beyond the Z_2 scars previously reported in other quantum systems. When bringing multiple long-range interactions into resonance, we observe quantum thermalization restricted to Hilbert space fragments, where the thermalized system retains characteristics of the initial configuration. Intriguingly, states belonging to different subspaces do not thermalize with each other even when they have the same energy. Our work challenges established ideas of quantum thermalization while experimentally resolving the longstanding tension between thermalization and memory. These results may be applied to control entanglement dynamics in quantum processors and quantum sensors
赵路恒 博士 本科毕业于北京大学,并在2024年于新加坡国立大学获得博士学位,目前在美国杜克大学进行博士后研究工作。他的博士课题是“Control of dynamics in Rydberg atomarray”,多项研究成果发表在Nature Communications,PR筹期刊。
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)
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