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7月22日外宾学术报告:Recent Advances on Laser Wakefield Accelerators atELI-ALPS Research Institute

来源: 发布时间:2024-07-08【字体:

报告人Dr. Nasr A. M. Hafiz (Hafz), The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC | ALPS Facility


会议地点:清河路390号 1号楼108帝俊厅


ELI ALPS Research Institute is a user facility belongs to Extreme Light Infrastructure-ERIC in Europe, delivering state-of-the-art primary (lasers) and secondary (particles, radiations) sources for researchers and engineers from around the world. Specifically, ELI-ALPS hosts 2 laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) beamlines, “eSYLOS and ePW”. The “eSYLOS” beamline is driven by 40-120 mJ 10Hz1kHz few-cycle laser systems (SYLOS OPCPA lasers). eSYLOS is mainly developed for generation of 1kHz 10-100 MeV electron beams for applications in radiobiology, radiotherapy, and it is planned for generation of MeV-level ultrashort positron beams for industrial applications. We successfully operated eSYLOS at 40 MeV electron beam energy and 10 Hz1kHz repetition rates, and we provided 6 Gy/minute radiation dose of electrons for a preliminary experiment on radiobiology. Further works in eSYLOS beamline include automation and energy boosting to 0.5GeV energy level.

On the high-energy side, the ePW beamline has been recently constructed and is undergoing commissioning in 2024 and 2025; it is driven by up to 30J 30fs 10Hz Ti-Sapphire CPA laser system (HF-PW laser). Currently the laser is delivering about 10J compressed pulses and will be upgraded to its full performance in the next few years. This year we expect to be able to generate electron beams of a few 100s MeV energy at 1Hz from ePW. The primary goal for ePW is its capability of generating betatron hard X-rays at 1-10 Hz repetition rates for X-ray phase contrast imaging, diffraction and computerized tomography. Also, ePW beamline is designed to be also an ideal platform for fundamental laser-plasma acceleration research and the development of various energy boosting schemes such as two-color LWFA, HOFI channels and for various laser-electron scattering schemes. In this talk, the speaker will provide details on the above topics.


Nasr A. M. Hafz holds a doctoral degree in Engineering (Dr. Eng.) from the University of Tokyo (JAPAN) in 2001. He was a visiting/staff scientist at KERI/GIST in South Korea from 2002 to 2011, respectively. From 2011 -2018 he was a tenure-track faculty member at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From 2018- present Prof. Nasr has been a Leading Scientist and Group Leader at ELI-ALPS. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Doctoral School of Physics at the University of Szeged (HUNGARY). Nasr’s major research topic is laser wakefield acceleration and the generation of particles and radiations. His main contribution includes the first GeV electron beam generation from 1-cm gas jet using 50 TW laser system in 2007, the observation of self-truncated ionization injection for GeV electron beams in 2014 and the development of the world’s first laser-plasma accelerator driven by two-color laser pulses in 2018. He has published 100 refereed papers including Nature Photonics, Science Advances, PNAS and others.
