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报告人:Prof Juergen Czarske
会议地点:清河路390号 2号楼514会议室
Light has the potential to recognize the development of diseases, to prevent them or to heal them early and gently. Traditionally, however, lens-based imaging results in bulky systems. We outline the 3D imaging with needle-sized, lensless multicore fiber endoscopes using holography. Deep learning is promising for label-free cancer diagnostics in neurosurgery using minimally invasive endoscopy. Besides biomedicine, data transmission with fiber networks will be highlighted. Multimode fibers show promise for improving data rates in optical communications, but come with the challenge of compensating for scattering effects. Physics-informed deep learning enables to correct the scattering, resulting in advancing security and data rate. Quantum technology of second generation promises advances in various fields such as quantum sensing, quantum computing, secure BB84 communication and entangled photon-based imaging with low-photo-toxicity in biomedicine.
Juergen Czarske (Fellow EOS, OPTICA, SPIE, IET, IoP) is full chair professor, senator and director at TU Dresden, Germany. Juergen is an international prize-winning inventor of laser-based technologies. His awards include the 2008 Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize of Trumpf Laser Systems (cooperation partner of Zeiss and ASML), 2019 OPTICA Joseph-Fraunhofer-Award/Robert-M.-Burley-Prize, 2020 Laser Instrumentation Award of IEEE Photonics Society, and 2022 SPIE Chandra S Vikram Award. He is Vice President of International Commission for Optics, ICO, and was the general chair of the world congress ICO-25-OWLS-16-Dresden-Germany-2022 with attendees from 55 countries and plenary talks by 3 Nobel laureates. Juergen will win the SPIE Dennis Gabor Award in Diffractive Optics on August 21, 2024 in San Diego, USA. In total, over 1000 publications and talks, including over 150 invited talks, over 30 patents, over 500 reviewed papers with over 250 papers in renowned journals:
“Multimode Optical Interconnects on Silicon Interposer Enable Confidential Hardware-to-Hardware Communication”, Sensors, 2023, mdpi
“Lensless fiber endomicroscopy in biomedicine”, Perspective, PhotonicX of Nature, 2024
“Single-shot 3D incoherent imaging with diffuser endoscopy”. Light: Advanced Manufac., 2024
“AI-driven projection tomography with multicore fibre-optic cell rotation”. Nature Communications, 15, (2024)
“Securing Data in Multimode Fibers by Exploiting Mode-Dependent Light Propagation Effects”, Research, (2023)
“Quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless fiber endoscope”, Light: Science and Applications of Nature Publishing (2022)
"Learned end-to-end high-resolution lensless fiber imaging towards real-time cancer diagnosis," Sci Rep 12(1), 18846 (2022)
“Tracking connectivity maps in human stem cell–derived neuronal networks by holographic optogenetics”, Life Sci. Alliance 5, (2022).
“Intensity-only Mode Decomposition on Multimode Fibers using a Densely Connected Convolutional Network”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, (2021)
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