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6月26日外宾学术报告: Enhanced ion acceleration by relativistic transparency regime

来源: 发布时间:2024-06-18【字体:

报告人Prof. Mamiko Nishiuchi, QST, Japan




Laser-driven ion beams are attractive to many fields of applications because of their unique features. Although extensive attempts have been carried out around the world to produce better quality beams in a controllable manner, there are still many issues to be solved.

We demonstrated high energy high efficiency ion acceleration at the onset of relativistic transparency with independent PW-class laser systems, J-KAREN at KPSI and DRACO-PW at HZDR. By careful matching of the laser temporal components preceding the main pulse at both systems, similar ion acceleration performance was achieved at both facilities showing that the temporal pulse shape plays a vital role in controlling the ion acceleration performance. Hydrodynamic and particle-in-cell simulation reveal the efficient acceleration mechanism in the relativistically induced transparency regime. Insight gained in the work has been crucial in the follow up experiments at the DRACO-PW yielding Proton energy > 100 MeV in a controlled manner.


Mamiko Nishiuchi is a senior principal researcher at QST and leading the laser driven ion acceleration research in Japan. Her research interest is laser plasma physics and mainly focused on Laser plasma ion acceleration research for high energy frontier for establishment of advanced heavy ion accelerator. She is especially interested in controlled generation of the laser driven ion beam by precise control of the laser temporal pulse profiles.
