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报告人:AndrewE. H. Wheatley
会议地点:清河路390号 帝俊厅108
Synthetic modulation of the functionality and stability of new materials is fundamental to advancing a range of applied fields. This talk will outline recent work in my group aimed at controlling structure and morphology and enhancing stability in metal-based nanoparticles, porous materials and composites thereof through synthetic control. Case studies feature nanoparticle synthesis, incorporating the manipulation of both composition and structure, and its combination with new approaches to immobilizing functional nanoparticle and molecular entities. These include:
o the selective growth of specific morphologies of PtFe-based electrocatalysts using facet-selective adsorbents;
o enhancing nanocatalyst surface area whilst modulating multimetallic composition by encouraging anisotropic nanoparticle growth;
o passivating sensitive nanoparticles against oxidation by coating with inert metal oxide shells;
o affecting the phase transfer of oxidatively stable nanoparticles through surfactant exchange;
o encapsulating photoactive SnO2 nanoparticles in porous monoliths for easy recycling of photocatalysts;
o extending the range of conditions that allow porous monolith formation in order to enable the encapsulation of solvent-sensitive guests.
Examples of nanoparticulates and porous and composite materials will be presented. Characterization uses a range of analytical tools to understand their formation, structure, composition and stability. The combination of these methods will underpin discussion of functionality and reusability targeting applications such as water treatment, CO2 sequestration, electrocatalysis, and plasmonics.
Andrew Wheatley received his BSc from the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1995. He then worked at Cambridge under the guidance of Dr. Ron Snaith, receiving his PhD in 1999 and an MA in 2002. After his PhD studies he spent time as a Junior Research Fellow at Gonville & Caius College before becoming a University Lecturer at Cambridge (2000) and a Fellow of Fitzwilliam College. He became a University Senior Lecturer (2010) and a University Reader in Materials Chemistry in 2018. He is now a University Professor of Materials Chemistry. He has received the Harrison Memorial Medal from the Royal Society of Chemistry and more recently he has been a Visiting Professor at Tohoku University, Japan. His research interests are in the areas of organometallics, synergistic effects in nanomaterials, and novel encapsulation strategies for reagents. He is interested in new solutions to photo- and electrocatalytic problems and his work has applications in pollution abatement, sensors, gas storage, fuels production, and electrocatalysis. He recently co-edited a book on Polar Organometallic Reagents, is the author of 6 book chapters, 4 patents and more than 175 communications, full papers and reviews on organometallics, nanoscience and composite materials.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)