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6月13日学术报告:From artificial atom to artificial molecules with biological applications

来源: 发布时间:2024-06-11【字体:

报告人: 崔家斌 博士生导师

会议时间2024613日 上午9:30

会议地点:清河路390号 帝俊厅108


The electronic coupling between atoms through hybridization of atoms yields the richness of molecules with diverse physical properties. Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) have been demonstrated as artificial atoms more than two decades ago and found their applicability in various optoelectronic applications owing to their unique size dependent optical properties. Since then efforts were made to achieve the electronic coupling and wavefunction hybridization with the CQDs with a vision of contributing to quantum information technologies. Electronic coupling has been resolved among molecular beam epitaxy grown QDs at cryogenic temperatures. Hence, we utilize solution processable colloidal semiconductor quantum dots as artificial atoms for the formation of coupled nanocrystal molecules (CQDs). Starting from highly developed core/shell CdSe@CdS CQDs as artificial atom building blocks, we describe the procedure to form the coupled homodimer CQD molecules. While the chemical bond is the basis for combining atoms in molecules, connecting CQDs has to occur through adjoining of their crystal faces to form a continuous crystal via oriented attachment. Additionally, we achieved unprecedented control over the quantum-mechanical coupling strength in CQD molecules observable at room temperature. Such novel CQD architectures hold significant potential for applications, as two color emitters, as ratiometric sensors, and as electric field sensors along with the already well established commercial applications in displays and in bio-tagging.


Jiabin Cui received his PhD (2017) in Beijing University of Chemical Technology under the guidance of Prof. Leyu Wang. He works with Prof. Uri Banin as a postdoctoral fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel from 2017. He joined the Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine Research Center of the School of Radiation Medicine and Protection at Soochow University in February 2021. His research focuses on the synthesis of coupled nanocrystal molecules, fluorescent nanoprobes, and developing new applications based on the sensor, photothermal therapy, and molecular imaging. Now he has published over 35 journal papers in peer-reviewed journals, such as Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., Acc. Chem. Res., Nano Lett., Anal. Chem., Small and so on.
