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报告人:Prof.Arkady Shipulin Skoletch,Russian Federation
会议时间:2024年5月15日(周三) 下午3:00
The digital transformation of the economy and society leads to qualitatively new demands for technologies that "serve" humans. In the twentieth century, the answer to such demands was electronics, based on technologies for creating electronic integrated circuits.
In the twenty-first century, such an end-to-end key technology is photonics, the development of which requires a focus and priorities to be determined. The main "anchor" technology in this case is the technology of photonic integrated circuits - PIC, similar to integrated circuits in microelectronics. As in microelectronics, the main advantages of photonics begin to manifest themselves when manufactured in integrated form - "on a chip", when the necessary compactness, low power consumption and radical cost reduction are achieved. All advanced countries are developing PIC technologies, where a huge variety of functionalities can be integrated on tiny chips, from on-chip laboratories to next-generation 6G communication systems, from structural condition monitoring to navigation, from high-performance computing to quantum devices.
We have created the basis for such a domestic ecosystem - the professional Design Center for PIC design and production. Working with the world's leading manufacturers, we have collected the entire set of competencies needed to create the ecosystem. We demonstrated the first chips - passive and active components of all required types. These include interrogators for monitoring systems, electro-optical modulators for communication systems and radio-photonics, ion traps for atomic clocks and quantum computers, quantum random number generators for quantum key distribution systems, etc. Designs are being developed to implement neural networks on PICs, optical transistor (classical and quantum variants), and neuromorphic computer on PICs.
Prof. Dr. habil. Arkady Shipulin (Chipouline) has received Ph. D. in Laser Physics and Engineering at the Moscow Physical Technical University in 1995. Since 2018 Year, he works as a Professor at Skoltech. From 2015, he was a Team Leader at the Institute for Microwave Engineering and Photonics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. He acquired his international experience also during his work at University of Salt Lake City (USA) in 1999-2001, Telecommunication Industry in the USA in 2001-2005, and at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany in 1995-1999 and 2005-2014.
Prof. Shipulin's current areas of research interests include photonic integrated circuits, hybrid photonic structures, optical telecom, optical sensors, laser physics und optoelectronics, optical waveguides, optical amplifiers, nonlinear optics etc.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
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