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4月2日外宾学术报告:Exploring the Interconnected Realms of Multiphysics: Insights from My Research Journey

来源: 发布时间:2024-03-28【字体:

报告人Prof. Hassan Abbas Khawaja




In this talk, I present an in-depth exploration of multiphysics—a domain where physical processes or phenomena operate simultaneously and interact. My research encompasses the development and utilization of computational models to solve complex systems where interdependent physical processes coexist. From the fluid-structure interactions that play a critical role in various engineering applications to the coupled thermal-electrical problems in anti-de-icing operations, this body of work demonstrates the intricacy and importance of understanding interrelated physics. The talk will walk through a number of examples on how this integrative approach has not only expanded our theoretical understanding but has also led to innovations in engineering and technology. Special atention will be paid to the methodological challenges faced, the solutions developed to overcome these, and the potential future applications that these coupled multiphysics models could unlock.


Prof. Hassan Abbas Khawaja obtained his PhD degree from the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. His research interests span across multiple disciplines in multiphysics, including multiphysics simulations under extreme loading conditions in wind turbines, infrared imaging and spectroscopy, numerical modeling, structural analysis, and heat conduction. He has also conducted research on innovative materials for crack detection in road maintenance and preservation.
