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报 告 人:Dr. Hao Ding, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Nonlinear pulse compression is a powerful tool in the realm of laser-plasma acceleration (LPA) research. In the plasma density range for GeV-class LPAs, i.e. 1e18 - 1e19 per cc, a near-infrared pulse compressed to a few-cycle duration offers the time resolution to probe the dynamics within a single plasma oscillation period, allowing for direct shadowgraphic observation of plasma waves in a wakefield accelerator. For plasma densities above 1e20 per cc, few-cycle pulses can resonantly drive plasma waves, reducing the pulse energy required to power an LPA to a few millijoules. The reduction in per-pulse energy makes it possible to use a drive laser at higher repetition rates, e.g. 1 kHz, which opens up the possibility for active stabilization and near-term applications that demand a high beam flux.
In this talk, I will first present using few-cycle probe pulses to study plasma dynamics. In particular, I will discuss the nonlinear lengthening of the laser-driven plasma waves, followed by the first direct observation of LPA-bunch-driven plasma waves and the associated ion dynamics. The second half of the seminar covers the recent developments in kHz LPA research at the BELLA center at LBNL. These include compression of an initially 40-fs-long pulse to near single-cycle duration using a scheme based on a hollow-core fiber and electron acceleration driven by few-cycle few-mJ pulses.
Dr. Hao Ding, received his master degree from Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and PhD degree from Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich. Afterwards, he moved to California and now is a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. He has been leading the development of a compact laser-plasma accelerator driven by kHz few-cycle few-mJ pulses at the BELLA center.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)