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报告人:Andrei Vlasov
会议时间:2023年06月09日 9:00
Photoactive materials, whose structure bases on the platform of monomolecular layer, such as two-dimensional identities (graphene, tellurene, antimonene, phosphorene, etc.) and one-dimensional ones (e.g. nanotubes or nanorods) instigate considerable interest and are being actively investigated in photonics applications, say, regarding the ability to control the amplitude and phase of laser radiation. In this direction, an important part of the interaction of laser radiation with the matter is the matrix involved in the transmission of the light signal. Nonlinear optical phenomena that occur with an increase in the power of the laser pulse lead to a significant scattering of a part of the incident light energy, and the nature of its thermodynamic and structural relaxation (in first place, phase-state one) largely determines the further propagation of the pulse across the medium. The communication will address mostly colloidal and aggregative prospects in the condensed state aiming to point at aspects pertinent to the design of materials with desirable set of properties.
Andrey Yu. Vlasov is a Russian chemist, specialist in physical chemistry. His research is focused on theory and development of equations of state for pure fluids and fluid mixtures of particles interacting via model potentials, theory of the virial equation of state. After graduation from the Department of Chemistry of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University in 1980 and receiving the PhD in 1988 he worked as a visiting professor in Kanazawa University, Japan (1992-1993) and in University of Incheon, South Korea (2009). From 1999 till 2002 he was a research associate in the Group of Theoretical Chemistry of University of Manchester, UK. Since 2002 till now he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University, delivering the lecture courses in General Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Theories of Solutions, Mathematical Reduction of Physico-Chemical Experiment, and Physical Chemistry for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Under the support of Research Grant of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK, Unilever Research Grant (2012-2014) and the Research grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research he is being developing integral equation theory of charged-particle fluids (hyper-netted chain approximation), modeling phase behavior and structure of complex fluids: surfactant systems with micellar aggregation, thermotropic liquid crystalline solutions, correlation of phase, non-linear optical and rheological properties of nano-carbon composites in fluid and gel matrices. He was awarded the St. State University Prize twice: “In recognition of Science Labors” (2004) and “In recognition of Pedagogical Mastery” (2018). He published more than 40 scientific articles in the Journal of Chemical Physics, Physical Review E, Talanta, Applied Physics Letters, Physica Status Solidi B, etc.
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