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来源: 发布时间:2020-12-15【字体:




  摘要:Superconducting circuits are demonstrated to be a very promising platform for constructing large scale quantum processor. Meanwhile, Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) has become an important resource for superconducting quantum information experiments. We incorporated a JPA as a preamplifier in our setup for the readout of superconducting qubits. This led to drastic improvement in the signal to noise ratio and enabled us to achieve single-shot readout and observation of quantum jumps. Combining an artificial Λ-type three-level atom and single-shot readout technology, we demonstrated detection of a propagating microwave photon, which remains a challenging task due to its correspondingly small energy. In addition, I will introduce our recent development of JPA and SFQ electronics and discuss the potential applications to superconducting computing. 

  主讲人:林志荣,中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所研究员。2011年于中国科学技术大学获博士学位。20121月至20189月在日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)工作,历任博士后、国际特别研究员、研究员(Research Scientist)。长期从事固态量子计算研究,并在超导量子比特测量技术取得了一系列创新性研究成果。曾获日本理化学研究所前沿物质科学年度杰出奖(CEMS AWARD)、日本超导科学技术奖,入选国家级高层次青年人才项目、中科院级人才项目、上海市人才项目。 
