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来源: 发布时间:2019-11-06【字体:
Title: mastering photoresponsive azopolymer surface thin films
     Hybrid graphene/silicon waveguides for nonlinear photonics

Speaker: Dr.Regis Barille and Dr.Yi Wang.

Time: 15:30 pm, November 7, 2019
Venue: Room 108, No.1 Building, West Campus

Biography:汪毅,研究员,博导,武汉光电国家研究中心光电子器件与集成研究部教师,主持和参与国家重大研究计划,国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金国际交流重点项目,留学基金委中法蔡元培项目和湖北省自然基金重大项目等10余项,经费累计逾千万。在ACS photonics, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Physics Letters 等杂志上发表论文50余篇,总引用次数达400余次,现为Nanoscale,Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonic Technology Letters, Chinese Physics Letters, 物理学报、科技导报等期刊的特邀审稿人。获首届中国光学重要进展(2007),优秀硕士论文指导教师(2012),科技部重点专项专家(2015),武汉市科技厅重点项目评议专家(2017)。

Régis Barillé received his PhD degree in electronics and Optronics in 1993 from the University of Montpellier. In 1994 he joined the University of Angers where he developed researches in stimulated scatterings in nonlinear liquids and soliton propagation. In 1999 he was visiting scientific at the University of Bordeaux where he developed nonlinear microcopy. In 2002 he joined the VIRGO detector of gravitational waves where he managed the laser and the injection bench for the 3 km interferometer. In 2007 he was visiting scientist at the Laser Physics Centre of the Australian National University. He is author or co-author of more than 140 publications in international periodicals and more than 60 conferences mostly invited. He has a long experience of interdisciplinary works ranging from experimental physics to characterization of surfaces and materials and environmental metrology.
