上海光机所国际合作工作始终围绕上海光机所的主责主业,以服务重大任务和国家需求为牵引,强化目标导向,注重内外集成协同,加强重大国际合作任务的谋划。坚持“战略布局,需求牵引,技术引领,合作共赢”的原则,基于科技部授予的国家国际科技合作基地及本单位学科技术优势,围绕“一带一路”国家倡议,深化拓展与发达国家实质性合作,夯实海外机构建设,积极培育和发起国际大科学计划,加强国际组织任职推荐,组织相关国际会议等,汇聚各类国际人才,建立以“平台-人才-项目-组织”合作模式,融入全球创新合作网络,助力上海光机所成为国际一流科研机构。上海光机所国际合作一直得到所领导的高度重视,历届所长亲自主管国际合作。1972年,上海光机所接待诺贝尔奖的美籍华裔科学家杨振宁,标志着我所第一次对外开放。2007年,被科技部首批授予“科技部国际科技合作基地”。2016年,科技部首次对全国2006-2008年间认定的113家国际合作基地进行了评估,上海光机所获评“优秀”。2021年,科技部首次对全国719家国际合作基地进行了评估,上海光机所持续获评“ 优秀”。王岐山副主席到上海光机所视察时,对上海光机所近几年取得的系列科技成果,以及重大国际合作项目“中以高功...
报告题目: Molecularly and Nanoparticles Doped Metals
报告人:以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学 何进博士
A unique materials’ methodology enables the doping of metals with functional molecules, polymers, enzymes, and nanoparticles. The resulting materials have either the combined properties of the metal and the dopants, or new, sometimes synergetic properties that are not found in the separate components, emerge. Metals that have been doped so far include gold, silver, copper, iron, gallium, palladium, platinum, and several alloys. Numerous applications have been demonstrated including catalysis, biocatalysis, bioactivity, electrochemistry (including new type of batteries), corrosion resistance, induction of chirality, tailoring unconventional properties to metals, and more. Doping of metals and adsorption on them are completely different processes, doping being a 3D event, while adsorption is a 2D process. Thus, practically all special properties and functionalities that have been demonstrated are apparent only in the doped case. Here, I will highlight the progress made in this field in the past three years, including tuning the work function, metallic conductive luminescent film, novel cathode electrode of fuel cells, and the advanced characterization of doping metals with synchrotron XRD, X-ray Absorption Spectra (XAS) and Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS).
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)
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