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4月29日 学术报告:基于相对论等离子体镜的高次谐波和非线性康普顿散射效应

来源: 发布时间:2019-04-22【字体:
  报告人:顾彦珺 研究员 
    单位:Institute of Physics, Academy of Science of Czech Republic (捷克科学院物理所)
  The laser-plasma interactions are dominated by the QED regime since intensities of the forthcoming laser facilities are approaching 1023-24 W/cm2. Here we present the high brightness γ-photon emission and e+e- pair creation accompanied with the high harmonic generation. Relativistic oscillating mirror reflects the incident intense laser field and generates the focused attosecond pulse with enhanced intensity. A large number of high energy photons are emitted by the collisions between the radiation trapped electrons and the high harmonic pulses. The corresponding photons are counter-propagating through the strong laser field which provide a large cross section for pair creation. Relativistic positron bunches are generated and further accelerated in the reflected laser field.
1.      Y. J. Gu, O. Klimo, S. V. Bulanov, S. Weber, Brilliant gamma-ray beam and electron–positron pair production by enhanced attosecond pulses, Communications Physics, 1, 93 (2018).
2.      Y. J. Gu, S. Weber, Intense, directional and tunable γ-ray emission via relativistic oscillating plasma mirror, Opt. Express, 26, 19932 (2018). 

 顾彦珺, 2013年博士毕业于复旦大学。博士期间在日本宇都宫大学联合培养,现在ELI-Beamlines(极端激光装置)任研究员。主要从事激光与等离子体相互作用的理论及数值模拟研究。目前主要的研究方向集中于基于激光等离子体的粒子加速,强场下的辐射及QED效应,实验室天体物理和惯性约束聚变中的等离子体参量不稳定性。
