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来源: 发布时间:2018-07-16【字体:

报告题目:Recent advances in fabrication and applications of nanostructured soft glass fibers

报告人:Xin JiangMax-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany



Microstructured optical fibers (MOFs), or photonic crystal fibers (PCFs), made from fused silica have been intensively investigated during the last two decades, and have been proven highly successful in many research fields of fiber optics. Fused silica, however, suffers from strong material absorption in the mid-IR (above 2 μm), as well as ultraviolet-induced optical damage (solarization), which limits performance and lifetime in the ultraviolet (<380 nm). Silica-based fibers are therefore restricted to applications within the above spectral limits. MOFs made from soft glasses (e.g., heavy-metal oxide, fluoride or chalcogenide) have attracted much interest because of extended ultraviolet (UV) and mid-infrared (mid-IR) transmission windows, higher Kerr nonlinearities and refractive indices and increased rare-earth solubility.

 The talk will be focused on advanced soft-glass fiber drawing techniques that have been developed over the last few years, examples being 3D printing of complex extrusion dies, advanced differential etching procedures, and techniques for producing chirally twisted fibers. Then it will move on to discuss a range of novel applications, such as supercontinuum generation, opto-mechanical devices, imaging through multimode fibres, photochemistry and nonlinear wavelength conversion. 


报告人简介:江昕博士在20052009年,分别从瑞典哥德堡的Chalmers University of Technology和英国University of Leeds获得硕士和博士学位。研究课题分别为碳纳米管被动锁模环型腔光纤激光器和红外光纤传感。在完成博士学业后,他于20101月加入德国Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light (马普光学所) Prof. Philip Russell领头的研究组,担任红外玻璃和光纤预制棒制备,光纤制备技术,光子晶体光纤新型应用小组组长。由于江昕博士的杰出贡献,他于20171月被马普学会特聘为W2副教授职位。江昕博士的主要研究方向在特种光纤制备技术(石英和软玻璃),以及相关项目包括超连续光源,光化学,量子光学,光纤传感,光镊等方面的研究。

 江昕博士在国际期刊及会议发表了超过80篇论文。多次在Nature Photonics, Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Sensors and Actuators B, Progress in Material Science 等高引杂志发表论文。其中2015年发表在Nature Photonics的文章引用次数超过65次,被Web of Science评为Highly Cited Paper Top 1%)。自2013年以来,江昕博士多次被邀请(23次)国际会议(包括Photonics West, CLEO, Advanced Photonics, Advanced Solid-state LasersSpecialty Optical Fibers等)做大会特邀报告并担任分会场主席,2013法国巴黎ASSLAdvanced Solid State Lasers)发表post-deadline会议论文同时他也多次受邀在国内外大学 (Jena University, Erlangen-Nuremberg University, Rennes University,上海光机所,硅酸盐所,华南理工,东南大学,华中科技大学,清华大学等讲座。此外,江昕博士还长期为以下期刊承担审稿工作:Optica, Light: Science & Application, Opt Lett, Opt. Express, Sensors & Actuators等。



[1] I. Leite, S. Turtaev, X. Jiang, et al., “Three-dimensional holographic optical manipulation through a high-numerical-aperture soft-glass multimode fibre,” Nature Photon. 12, 33 (2018).

[2] A. Cubillas, X. Jiang* et al., “Photochemistry in soft-glass single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber,” RSC Analyst 142, 925 (2017). (*corresponding)

[3] J. Ma, H. Yu, X. Jiang* and D. S. Jiang, “High-performance temperature sensing using a selectively filled solid-ocre photonic crystal fiber with a central air-bore,” Opt. Express 25, 9406 (2017). (*corresponding)

[4] X. Jiang et al., “Supercontinuum generation in ZBLAN glass photonic crystal fiber with six nanobore cores,” Opt. Lett. 41, 4245 (2016).

[5] M. Pang. W. He, X. Jiang et al., “Alloptical bit storage in a fibre laser over ultralong timescales by optomechanically bound states of solitons,” Nature Photon. 10, 454 (2016).

[6] A. Cavanna, F. Just, X. Jiang, et al., “Hybrid photonic-crystal fiber for single-mode phase-machted generation of third harmonic and photon triplets,” Optica 3, 952 (2016).

[7] X. Jiang et al., “Deep-ultraviolet to mid-infrared supercontinuum generated in solid-core ZBLAN photonic crystal fibre,” Nature Photon. 9, 133 (2015).

[8] M. Pang, X. Jiang, et al., “Stable subpicosecond soliton fiber laser passively modelocked by gigahertz acoustic resonance in photonic crystal fiber core,” Optica 2, 339 (2015).

[9] X. Jiang, A. Jha, “Engineering of a GeTeSe glass fibre evanescent wave spectroscopic (FEWS) midIR chemical sensor for the analysis of food and pharmaceutical products,” Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 206, 159 (2015).


