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题目:Contribution of the micro and nanotechnologies to the progress in Neuroscience
姓名:Prof. Carmen Bartic
单位:KLU University of Belgium
时间:2016年4月1日(周五) 下午2:00
An overview of the main researches related to probing the neuronal function by optoelectronic methods will be given. The main content includes how to study the properties of nano-materials and their interactions with bio-molecules and cells by a variety of optical, electronic and scanning probe techniques and the development of tools and methods allowing stimulating and probing cellular activity with high spatial and temporal resolution. As inorganic nano-particles may evolve as a new class of cellular sensors with improved performance due to their unique opto-electronic properties arising from their nanometer dimensionality, the recent progress in the study of the aggregation of amyloid peptides and proteins and their interaction with neurons and also with inorganic nanoparticles (i.e. Bio mineralization) will be illustrated in details.
Prof. Carmen Bartic
比利时鲁汶大学 物理与天文学系教授
2002年 鲁汶大学, 物理,博士
1998年 鲁汶大学, 物理,硕士
1996年 Cuza University of Lasi 物理,硕士
IMEC 资深研究员(兼职)2006-2009 年,IMEC 生物电子系统部门 Group Leader 2007-2009 年,鲁汶大学天文与物理学系兼职副教授2004-2006 年,IMEC 细胞传感器课题组 Team Leader
2002-2004年,IMEC 细胞传感器课题组博士后
• Co-promotor KUL BOF Intedisciplinair Onderzoek project (IDO) Nonlinear Optogenetics (coordinator: Koen Clays): 2013-2016. Funding: 500.000 Euro
• Coordinator of the FP7 FET OPEN STREP project – ENLIGHTENMENT (284801) – (Exploring the neural coding in behaving animals by novel optogenetic, high-density microrecordings and computational approaches): 2012-2015. Funding: 2.2 MEuro.
• Promotor K.U.Leuven, BOF/START type I grant – 3E100361 – Hybrid nanocluster-biomolecule systems for biosensors and bioelectronics. Funding: 425000 Euro
• Co-promotor FWO ZKC1149 - Structurele karakterisering en groei modellering van metallische nanodraden gebaseerd op biomoleculaire template. Funding: 148.258,80 EUR
• Coordinator of FP7 Marie Curie – Intra-European PostDoctoral fellowship: Brain Touch 221234 (Flexible probes for deep brain stimulation and recordings)
• Coordinator of FP7 ICT – STREP: Brain Storm 215486 (On-chip simultaneous intracellular recording and stimulation of electrical and biochemical activities from hundreds of neurons): 2008-2010. Funding: 3.2 MEuro
• Partner in FP6 NMP – NoE FRONTIERS 500328 (Research, processes and facilities directed at instrumentation for manufacturing and analysis of single molecules, individual nano- structures and
2-3 D architectures of them, targeted at life sciences): 2004-2008. Funding: 5 MEuro
• Coordinator of FP6 ICT – STREP Golden Brain 510574 (Development of novel concepts for communication between living cells and silicon based electronic devices): 2005-2008. Funding: 2.7 MEuro
• Coordinator of IWT – SBO Artificial Synapse 050151 (Hybrid Neuro-Electronic Systems): 2006-2010. Funding: 3.4 Meuro
• Co-promotor HERCULES AKUL005 (HER/08/061) – Biacore T100 System. Funding: 544.797,00 EUR
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)