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题目:Retinal Optophysiology: Intrinsic Optical Signal Imaging of Retinal Function at Cellular Resolution
姓名:Xincheng Yao
单位:Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
时间:2015年6月15日(周一) 上午9:30
Abstract: Many eye diseases can produce pathological changes of photoreceptors and/or inner retinal neurons. Given the complexity of retinal structure, a high resolution method is desirable for functional examination of retinal physiology to achieve early detection of eye diseases and reliable evaluation of treatment outcomes. In our Biomedical Optics and Functional Imaging Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, we have developed several near infrared (NIR) instruments such as functional optical coherence tomography (OCT), confocal and super-resolution systems to explore retinal optophysiological imaging of animal models at high-spatial (micrometer) and high-temporal (millisecond) resolution. Dynamic NIR imaging revealed stimulus-evoked intrinsic optical signal (IOS) response with time courses comparable to retinal electrophysiological kinetics. In vivo IOS mapping of localized retinal dysfunctions has been demonstrated in laser-injured frog eyes. Comparative in vitro study has revealed IOS abnormalities in a mouse model with inherited photoreceptor degeneration. Moreover, oblique retinal stimuli revealed rod-dominant phototropic change, which promises an objective IOS biomarker to test rod function that is known to be more vulnerable than cone function in aging and early age-related macular degeneration. We anticipate that further development of the IOS instruments and testing protocols will open the unique opportunity for advanced study and diagnosis of retinal dysfunctions at unprecedented resolution.
Biography: Xincheng Yao, PhD is a Professor of Bioengineering, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Dr. Yao received his PhD in Optics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. He did his postdoctoral research in biomedical optics at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) from 2001 to 2004, and held a LANL Technical Staff Member appointment from 2004 to 2006. He served at CFD Research Corporation as a Senior Research Scientist from 2006 to 2007. He worked at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) as a tenure-track Assistant Professor (2007-2012) and tenured Associate Professor (2012-2014). He joined UIC as a Professor in 2014, and serves as the Director of Instrument Core at the UIC Lions of Illinois Eye Research Institute. Dr. Yao's research interest is biomedical optics instrumentation and retinal imaging. His research laboratory has been funded by the NSF CAREER, NIH, Dana Foundation, Alabama Eyesight Foundation, and UASOM Interdisciplinary Institute for Imaging. He has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed articles, and given multiple invited talks and seminars in conferences, universities and research institutes in the USA, Canada and China. He has served as an editorial board member for Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, Advances in Optics, Frontiers of Optoelectronics and the World Journal of Ophthalmology.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
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