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题目:Picosecond laser manufacturing of inkjet printer nozzle plates
姓名:Xinbing Liu
单位:Panasonic Boston Laboratory
In this presentation I will describe the process development of color inkjet printer nozzle plate production by picosecond laser milling technology. Comparison between short pulse and long pulse ablation is made. Some details on parallel drilling process development will be discussed.
Xinbing Liu received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS), the University of Michigan in 1994. While a graduate student at Michigan, he was among the first researchers to investigate ultrafast laser breakdown of materials, contributing to the so-called “Michigan Patent,” a fundamental patent on ultrafast laser processing. After completing a post-doctoral study at CUOS, he was appointed as an assistant research scientist at the Center, continuing the work on ultrafast laser micromachining, while also started investigation of femtosecond laser ablation for ophthalmic applications. In 1998 he joined Electro Scientific Industries in Portland, Oregon, as a senior R&D engineer, and worked on laser packaging technology for microelectronics industries. After 8 months with ESI, he was recruited by Panasonic Boston Laboratory as a project manager and managed PBL’s program for the Japanese government’s NEDO project on femtosecond laser applications for telecommunications. At the same time he also initiated a program for industrial applications of picosecond lasers, including the key picosecond laser source and the ultra-precise parallel processing technology using diffractive optics. The effort resulted in the world’s first industrial application of ultrafast lasers for mass production: fabrication of inkjet nozzle plates by picosecond laser parallel milling. He became the director of Panasonic Boston Laboratory in 2006. Besides managing the lab, he still focuses much of his time developing technologies in picosecond lasers, laser manufacturing technologies, and micro-optics for Panasonic's various products. Dr. Liu is actively involved in the laser processing community: he is a member of the board of directors of the Laser Institute of America, and served as General Chair for two years for LIA’s ICALEO conferences. He also served on program committees for CLEO (as chair of laser applications subcommittee) and Photonics West. Dr. Liu is a Fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and a Fellow of the Laser Institute of America.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)