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题目:Nano-structuring solid surfaces with femtosecond laser irradiation for applications
姓名:Mengyan Shen
单位:University of Massachusetts
时间:2014年10月28日(星期二) 上午10:00
Pulsed laser-assisted etching is a simple but effective method for making small regular structures directly onto a solid surface. We have successfully fabricated submicro- or nano-meter sized structures on different solid surfaces immersed in liquids with femtosecond laser pulse irradiation. We can control the experimental conditions to design and make nanostructures in different materials and on the surfaces with different morphologies. Here, we discuss the nanostructure formations with femtosecond pulse laser irradiation, and introduce our results of the nanostructures for the applications in sensing and an artificial photosynthesis for solar energy conversion and storage.
Dr. Mengyan Shen is an Associate Professor of Physics at University of Massachusetts Lowell, and a director of Nanoscience and Technology Laboratory in the Department of Physics at University of Massachusetts Lowell. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China in 1990, and his M.S. and B.S. from Inner Mongolia University in 1987 and 1984, respectively. Dr. Shen worked in the Department of Physics at Peking University from 1990 to 1992. In 1992, he was offered a research position in the Institute of Semiconductors, the Chinese Academy of Sciences to further his research at Peking University. In the winter of 1992, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) awarded him a JSPS Fellowship to conduct research in the Department of Physics at Tohoku University, Japan for 12 months. In order to accomplish the research project on nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals, JSPS awarded him another 12-month JSPS fellowship in 1993. He was invited to join Tohoku University as a permanent faculty in the Department of Physics in 1994. In 1996, Dr. Shen received the Harada Science Research Award in Japan for outstanding contribution to science and technology. In the spring of 2001, Professor Eric Mazur at Harvard University invited Dr. Shen to collaborate on research on the interaction between light and condensed matter, a project he has been working on for more than ten years. Dr. Shen has published about 100 research papers. He has served as reviewers for different journals and foundations. In September 2006, he resigned his faculty position at Tohoku University and joined University of Massachusetts Lowell to further develop nanomanufacturing techniques using intense femtosecond laser pulses together with students and fellow researchers. In addition to research work, he has experience teaching and leading experiments for undergraduate and graduate students in China, Japan and United States.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)