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题目:Measurements across the scales; nano, micro, macro
姓名:Dr Stephen James
单位:School of Engineering Cranfield University
Photonic instrumentation and sensors can be used to make measurements across a broad range of physical and time scales, on objects of vastly different dimensions. This is reflected in the work undertaken in the Department of Engineering Photonics and Cranfield University in the UK, where we aim to develop and apply advanced photonic instrumentation to solve engineering measurement problems. We employ a range of different techniques and technologies, e.g. interferometry, spectroscopy and optical fibre sensors, to undertake measurements of physical and chemical parameters across a range of engineering disciplines and industrial sectors, civil engineering, geo-technology, aerospace, manufacturing, transport and energy.
The presentation will outline the work undertaken at Cranfield University, introducing the technologies and giving examples of practical applications. The use of optical fibres to facilitate the measurement of strain in areas a diverse as superconducting magnets, railways, and building foundation piles will be described, showing the versatility of the technology in making measurements at cryogenic and ambient temperatures, and of events of durations from s to years. Optical fibres devices exhibiting sensitivity to dimensional changes on the molecular scale will be discussed and their use as chemical sensors described.
The University is developing novel velocity measurement techniques that aim to improve the accuracy of the navigation of Mars rovers. Gas sensing technology, capable of ppm level detection of greenhouse gasses, CO2 and methane, developed in collabriation with industrial partners, is being used to monitor emissions from landfill sites, and to improve the efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. New developments in laser based flow measurement are being used in wind tunnels and rocket exhaust plumes, capable of measuring velocities of up to 500 m/s. Cranfield researchers are using a non-invasive medical imaging technique, optical coherence tomography, in different areas, allowing the monitoring of the quality of food-crops, and the curing of adhesives.
The presentation will aim to provide an informative overview of what can be achieved using photonics as a measurement tool, with the diversity of applications highlighting the versatility and benefits offered.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)