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题目:报告一Attosecond control of laser-driven plasmas
报告二Innovative Targetry for Laser-Plasma Interaction
报告人:Rodrigo Lopez-Martens,Antonin Borot
单位:Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (LOA - France)
时间:2012年09月27日(周四)上午 10:00
Attosecond control of laser-driven plasmas
Rodrigo Lopez-Martens
Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, ENSTA - PArisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, , Chemin de la Hunière, F-91761, France
Attosecond light sources rely on the nonlinear modulation of intense near-IR laser waveforms on the sub-cycle time scale, which occurs for example during strong-field ionization in gases [1] or reflection off plasma mirrors [2]. Plasma mirrors driven by relativistic-intensity lasers have been predicted to be a potential source of attosecond pulses with shorter wavelengths and higher energies than those currently generated in gases [3]. To date, plasma mirror experiments have been carried out using high-peak power laser systems operating on a single-shot basis. A much less explored regime consists using few-cycle pulses down to spot sizes comparable to laser wavelength itself, thus reaching ultra-high intensities with milliJoule pulse energy [4]. In this “fast focusing” regime, one can envisage driving plasma mirrors with relativistic-intensity, fully CEP-controlled few-cycle pulses delivered by a compact kHz laser system [5], thereby offering the exciting prospect of controlling the collective electronics of relativistic plasma mirrors with unprecedented precision.
1. M. Ivanov and F. Krausz, Rev. Mod. Phys. 8, 163 (2009).
2. See for example: Dromey et al., Nature Phys. 2, 456 (2006), Tarasevitch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 103902 (2007), Thaury et al., Nature Phys. 3 424 (2007)
3. Tsakiris et al., New J. Phys. 8, 19 (2006)
4. A. Borot et al., Opt. Lett. 8, 1461-1463 (2011).
5. A. Borot et al., Nature Phys. 8, 416-421, (2012).
Innovative Targetry for Laser-Plasma Interaction
By Dr Antonin Borot
SourceLAB Project
Laser-plasma interaction bears the promises of outstanding societal applications, thereby justifying the great efforts towards particle acceleration and radiation generation over the past ten years.
Within this period, tremendous progress has been made for improving the quality of intense laser beams and their reliability, so that very powerful commercial systems are nowadays available for scientific exploitation. Likewise, the SourceLAB project, conceived in the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (LOA - France), proposes to produce innovative targetry for plasma generation, and offers the possibility of immediate exploration of laser-plasma interaction regimes with unprecedented level of control and performances.
This talk will focus on two commercially-available target systems that we developed for the underdense and the overdense interaction regimes. These systems allowed us to access unexplored fundamental properties of the interaction [1,2], paving the way towards new sources of particles and radiation at high-repetition rate.
[1] A. Borot et al, Nature Physics 8, 416 (2012)
[2] F. Sylla, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 115003 (2012)
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