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题目:Gradient-Index Optics and Concentrating Photovoltaics
姓名:Duncan T.Moore
单位:Universityof Rochester
The Honorable Duncan Moore is the Vice Provost of Entrepreneurship, the Rudolf and Hilda Kingslake Professor of Optical Engineering, and Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Previously, from 1995 until the end of 1997, he served as Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University.
The U.S. Senate confirmed Dr. Moore in the fall of 1997 as Associate Director for Technology in The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). In this position, which ended December 2000, he worked with Dr. Neal Lane, President Clinton's Science Advisor, to advise the President on U.S. technology policy; including the Next Generation Internet, Clean Car Initiative, elder tech, crime tech and NASA. From January through May 2001, Dr. Moore served as Special Advisor to the Acting Director of OSTP.
The PhD degree in Optics was awarded to Dr. Moore in 1974 from the University of Rochester. He had previously earned a master’s degree in Optics at Rochester and a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Maine.
Dr. Moore has extensive experience in the academic, research, business, and governmental arenas of science and technology. He is an expert in gradient-index optics, computer-aided design, and the manufacture of optical systems. He has advised over 50 graduate thesis students. In 1993, Dr. Moore began a one-year appointment as Science Advisor to Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia. He also chaired the successful Hubble Independent Optical Review Panel organized in 1990 to determine the correct prescription of the Hubble Space Telescope. Dr. Moore is also the founder and former president of Gradient Lens Corporation of Rochester, NY, a company that manufactures the high-quality, low-cost Hawkeye boroscope. Recently, he has been lecturing on “Entrepreneurship for scientists and engineers in developing economies”. This lecture is based upon a class he teaches, which began in 1988, on technical entrepreneurship. To date, he has spoken in South Africa, Argentina, Peru, Ireland and Japan.
Dr. Moore was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in February 1998. He has been the recipient of the Science and Technology Award of the Greater Rochester Metro Chamber of Commerce (1992), Distinguished Inventor of the Year Award of the Rochester Intellectual Property Law Association (1993), Gradient-Index Award of the Japanese Applied Physics Society (1993), and an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Maine (1995). In 1999, he received the National Engineering Award of the American Association of Engineering Societies and also was recognized as the Engineer of the Year by the Rochester Engineering Society. In 2006, Dr. Moore received the Gold Medal of The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), and in 2009 Dr. Moore was the recipient of the 2009 Edwin H. Land Medal presented by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology and the Optical Society of America.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)