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报告题目:Structure and Properties of Glasses in Micrometric Confinement
时间:2012.6.28 上午9:00
Structure and Properties of Glasses in Micrometric Confinement
Abstract: This talk introduced the infiltration technique for investigating the rheology of various glass melts in micro capillaries. The confinement effect of capillary and interfacial effect between as-filled melts and capillary are considered. Viscosities of commercial honey and silicon oil were studied and compared with conventional rotation viscometer. Over a wide shear rate, the apparent micro viscosities obtained from the infiltration technique are consistent with the macro viscosities, demonstrating the feasibility of the infiltration technique for measuring the viscosities of melts, which do not interact with the capillary. On that basis, the viscosities of various melts were measured and discussed with viscosity-temperature models. Tellurite and sulfophosphate melts which have interfacial reaction with silica capillaries are studied. It is found that non-Newtonian flow can be observed in one phosphate and one sulfophosphate melts. The chain entanglement is responsible for the shear thinning. Tellurite melts with 3D structure units and pyrophsophate melts show Newtonian flow under the investigated shear rate range. While the corrosion between the two germanante and borate melts and the silica capillaries is too strong to study their flow behavior. Chalcogenide melts which are perfectly non-wetting and incorrosive with silica were good candidates for investigating the flow behavior. The non-Newtonian flow can be observed in chalcogenide melts under some shear rate or viscosity range. It can be explained by the disentanglement or orientation of the chain-like structure units under shear in chalcogenide melts. In addition, this technique provides a route for fabricating all-solid glass-glass PCFs. This kind of PCFs can take the advantage of the properties of the filled glasses which the silica does not possess.
Ning Da received his Master degree in Materials Science and Engineering (2006) from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a Ph.D student in Erlangen - Nuremberg University(埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学), Germany. His projects are properties of soft glasses infiltrated in micro-capillaries and photonic crystal fibers, luminescence of transition metal and rare earth - doped optical glasses and glass ceramics, and photocatalytics of nano particles.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)