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来源: 发布时间:2012-05-28【字体:
报告题目:Computational wave-field engineering: imaging and controlling
报告人:普林斯顿大学电子工程系 司徒国海博士
Recent developments in semiconductor and information technology enable communications between optics and computers, which is revolutionizing optical wave-fronts imaging and controlling. For example, the next generation of cameras will integrate the computer as part of the imaging system itself, with algorithms replacing optical elements such as lenses and filters. The first part of this talk will describe powerful computational techniques for phase-space optics and phase imaging. Phase imaging retrieves 2D phase map of diffractive/scattering fields, while phase-space measurements recover 4D coherence properties of the fields. The second part will describe methods of synthesizing arbitrary 2D spectral and 4D coherence properties of wave-fields. Measurements and controlling of wave-field will allow new applications in imaging, signal processing, and nonlinear dynamics.
