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来源: 发布时间:2012-05-09【字体:

题目:When Light Meets Sound: a New Tool for Medical Imaging






Photoacoustic imaging (PAI), also referred to as optoacoustic imaging, is an emerging biomedical imaging technology that is noninvasive, nonionizing, with high sensitivity, satisfactory imaging depth and good temporal and spatial resolution. In PAI, a short-pulsed laser source is used to illuminate a biological sample and generate photoacoustic waves due to thermoelastic expansion. Then the photoacoustic signals are measured by ultrasonic transducers to rebuild the image of the sample. Therefore, like conventional optical imaging, PAI presents the optical contrast which is highly sensitive to molecular conformation and biochemical contents of tissues and can aid in describing tissue metabolic and hemodynamic changes. Unlike conventional optical imaging, the spatial resolution of PAI is not limited by the strong light diffusion but instead determined mainly by the measurement of light-generated photoacoustic signals. As a result, the resolution of PAI is parallel to high-frequency ultrasonography. In this talk, I will present the recent advances in biomedical photoacoustic imaging in our laboratory at University of Michigan, including the development of imaging techniques and their applications in preclinical and clinical settings.

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