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CaCu3Ti4O12晶体生长原料的合成方法及制备CaCu3Ti4O12晶体的方法 发明 CN201610006799.4 2016-01-06
可见/短波红外/中波红外YAG透明陶瓷及其制造方法 发明 CN201610006374.3 2016-01-06
一种光场相机消色差方法 发明 CN201610005881.5 2016-01-06
高能钛宝石多通放大器热透镜效应的抑制方法 发明 CN201610006385.1 2016-01-06
一种用于飞秒激光脉冲放大系统中脉冲前沿畸变的补偿装置和补偿方法 发明 CN201610005558.8 2016-01-06
原子钟的实时误差补偿方法 发明 CN201610008073.4 2016-01-06
大口径超短激光脉冲前沿径向群延迟的测量装置和测量方法 发明 CN201610005915.0 2016-01-06
一种应用于数字全息重构过程的对焦方法 发明 CN201610005898.0 2016-01-06
注入锁定腔内倍频固体激光器 发明 CN201610005589.3 2016-01-05
高功率两芯共腔光纤激光器 发明 CN201610003826.2 2016-01-04
Device for measuring point diffraction interferometric wavefront aberration and method for detecting wave aberration 发明 US14/986593 2015-12-31
Measuring device having ideal wavefront generator for detecting point diffraction interferometric wavefront aberration of measured optical system and method for detecting wavefront aberration thereof 发明 US14/986560 2015-12-31
Measuring device having ideal wavefront generator for detecting point diffraction interferometric wavefront aberration of measured optical system and method for detecting wavefront aberration thereof 发明 US14/986560 2015-12-31
Device for measuring point diffraction interferometric wavefront aberration and method for detecting wave aberration 发明 US14/986593 2015-12-31
Illumination system for lithographic projection exposure step-and-scan apparatus 发明 US14/984891 2015-12-30
Illumination device and method for using the same in the projection lithography machine 发明 US14/985086 2015-12-30
Multi field point aberration parallel metrology device and method for lithographic projection lens 发明 US14/984577 2015-12-30
Illumination device and method for using the same in the projection lithography machine 发明 US14/985086 2015-12-30
Illumination system for lithographic projection exposure step-and-scan apparatus 发明 US14/984891 2015-12-30
Multi field point aberration parallel metrology device and method for lithographic projection lens 发明 US14/984577 2015-12-30
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